We will leverage the Google Colab platform, equipped with preinstalled Python modules, for seamless collaboration and code execution.
Checking Reportlab library
import imp
imp.find_module('reportlab') # check for library
found = True
except ImportError:
found = False
Install it if not available
pip install reportlab
Generating our first PDF document
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=0)
c.drawString(200,200,"Hello World") # write text in page
c.showPage() # saves current page
c.save() # stores the file and close the canvas
Adding image
To begin working with an image on our Colab platform, we first need to upload it. This can be easily achieved by utilizing the upload icon located at the top side of the left panel. By doing this, the image will be downloaded directly from its URL and conveniently placed in your Colab workspace, specifically within the left panel. This streamlined process ensures that we can access and manipulate our images efficiently in Colab, setting the stage for further image processing or analysis tasks.
Now that our image is successfully uploaded to the Colab platform, we're ready to incorporate it into our PDF document. It's important to pay close attention to the X and Y coordinates, which are crucial for positioning the image precisely in the desired location within the document. By adjusting these X and Y values, we can easily relocate the image to a different spot. This flexibility allows us to customize the layout of our PDF, ensuring that the image complements the document's overall design and content
c.drawImage('1.png',200,600) # Place the image
As we adjust the positioning of our image, remember that the X coordinate increases as we move to the right, while the Y coordinate increases as we move towards the top. This behavior can be changed by changing to using bottomup=0
Create the PDF by adding a string and then by inserting the image.
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
my_path='my_pdf_file.pdf' # Name of the file
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1) # create Canvas
c.setFont("Helvetica", 20) # font family and size
c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) # font colour as RGB
c.drawString(200,800,"Hello World") # write text in page
c.drawImage('1.png',200,600) # Place the image
c.showPage() # saves current page
c.save() # stores the file and close the canvas
Generate PDFs with dynamic content: data taken from a database
Creating PDF in Colab Platform using SQLite Database table data with image #colab #pdf #sqlite
We're utilizing a SQLite database table that features a BLOB (Binary Large Object) column specifically designed for storing images. This approach allows us to dynamically retrieve these images directly from the table when creating our PDF file. By leveraging this method, we ensure that the content of our PDF remains dynamic and versatile, adapting seamlessly to the images stored in the database, thereby enhancing the functionality and efficiency of our document creation process.
# Download the database with a BLOB column storing the image.
!wget https://www.plus2net.com/python/download/student_blob.db
query="PRAGMA table_info([student_profile])" # SQL to get table structure
my_data=list(my_conn.execute(query)) # rows of data as list
print(my_data) # structure of the table
query="SELECT * FROM student_profile LIMIT 0,5" # sql to display rows
my_data=list(my_conn.execute(query)) # rows of data as list
print(my_data) # includes the BLOB column data
We will first display one single row of data. Here we will get three columns id, student, profile_photo ( Image ) .
Here the id column is an integer value so we will use str() to convert it to string while displaying.
import io
from PIL import Image
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
my_path='my_pdf.pdf' # file name
r_set=my_conn.execute('SELECT * from student_profile WHERE id=2');
for row in r_set:
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(row[2]))
io_img = ImageReader(image) # read image
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1) # create Canvas
c.drawString(2*inch,6*inch,str(row[0])) # write namepage
c.drawString(3*inch,6*inch,row[1]) # write namepage
c.drawImage(io_img,4*inch,6*inch) # Add image
c.showPage() # saves current page
c.save() # save and close
Displaying multiple rows of data
import io
from PIL import Image
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
c = canvas.Canvas(my_path,bottomup=1)
r_set=my_conn.execute('SELECT * from student_profile ORDER BY id DESC');
h=5 # Y coordinate to increase
for row in r_set:
c.drawString(1*inch,h*inch-0.5,str(row[0])) # Id column
c.drawString(2*inch,h*inch-0.5,row[1]) # Name column
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(row[2])) # get image from blob column
io_img = ImageReader(image) # read the image
c.drawImage(io_img,4*inch,h*inch) # Draw the image
h=h+1.5 # increase the Y coordinate
c.showPage() # saves current page
c.save() # save and close