acosh():inverse hyperbolic cosine

echo acosh(6); // Output 2.4778887302885
echo "<br>";
echo acosh(2.5); // Output 1.5667992369724
echo "<br>";
echo acosh(0); // Output NAN
echo "<br>";
echo acosh(2); // Output 1.3169578969248
echo "<br>";
echo acosh(-2.5); // Output NAN
echo "<br>";
echo acosh(-4); // Output NAN
acosh(float X);
X is the input acosh returns an EDOM error if called with an argument less than 1.0

DEMO of acosh()

Output : Not a valid data
Enter data

Example 2: Calculating Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine for a Larger Value

The acosh() function can be used to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine for values greater than or equal to 1:

$value = 10;
$result = acosh($value);
echo "The acosh of $value is: " . $result; 
// Outputs: The acosh of 10 is: 2.99322284612638

Example 3: Using acosh() in Mathematical Operations

You can use acosh() in more complex mathematical expressions:

$value = 20;
$result = pow(acosh($value), 2) + sqrt($value);
echo $result;


MIN() function
Math Functions
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