rad2deg(): Convert Radian to Degree
echo rad2deg(0); // Output is 0
echo "<br>";
echo rad2deg(PI()); // Output 180
echo "<br>";
echo rad2deg(PI()/2); // Output is 90
echo "<br>";
echo rad2deg(PI()/3); // Output is 60
X is the number representing angular value in radian. Output is in degree.
Example 1: Converting a Full Circle (2π Radians)
echo rad2deg(2 * M_PI); // Output: 360
Example 2: Converting Negative Radians to Degrees
echo rad2deg(-M_PI); // Output: -180
Example 3: Converting Small Values
echo rad2deg(0.1); // Output: 5.7295779513
Example 4: Converting Half Circle
echo rad2deg(M_PI); // Output: 180
Example 5: Degrees to Radians and Back
$degrees = 45;
$radians = deg2rad($degrees);
echo rad2deg($radians); // Output: 45
Math Constant PI()
Plotting of SIN & COS curves by using PHP GD function with deg2rad()
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