COS(): cosine of the num parameter

echo COS(PI()); // Output is -1
echo "<br>";
echo COS(PI()/2); // Output  6.1232339957368E-17 // Same as 0 
echo "<br>";
echo COS(PI()/3); // Output is 0.5
echo "<br>";
echo COS(PI()/4); // Output is 0.70710678118655 
X is the angular value in radian. We get output as cosine of the input angle.

deg2rad() with COS()

We can use deg2rad() to convert Degree value to radian and then use COS().
echo cos(deg2rad(0)); // Output  is 1
echo "<br>";
echo cos(deg2rad(180)); // Output  is -1

Example: Cosine of Large Values

echo cos(100000);  // Output: 0.9367521275331447

Example: Cosine in Physics (Force Calculation)

$angle = deg2rad(60);  // Convert degrees to radians
$force = 100;
echo $force * cos($angle);  // Output: 50 (Force in the x-direction)

Example: Cosine of 0 Degrees

$angle = 0;
echo cos(deg2rad($angle));  // Output: 1

Example: Cosine of 90 Degrees

$angle = 90;
echo cos(deg2rad($angle));  // Output: 6.1232339957368E-17 (close to 0)

Example: Calculating Cosine for Negative Angles

$angle = -45;
echo cos(deg2rad($angle));  // Output: 0.70710678118655
These examples cover the cosine function for various angles, including 0, 90 degrees, and negative angles.

Plotting of SIN & COS curves by using PHP GD function with deg2rad()

Math Functions SIN() function rad2deg() function
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