echo COS(PI()); // Output is -1
echo "<br>";
echo COS(PI()/2); // Output 6.1232339957368E-17 // Same as 0
echo "<br>";
echo COS(PI()/3); // Output is 0.5
echo "<br>";
echo COS(PI()/4); // Output is 0.70710678118655
X is the angular value in radian. We get output as cosine of the input angle.
echo cos(deg2rad(0)); // Output is 1
echo "<br>";
echo cos(deg2rad(180)); // Output is -1
echo cos(100000); // Output: 0.9367521275331447
$angle = deg2rad(60); // Convert degrees to radians
$force = 100;
echo $force * cos($angle); // Output: 50 (Force in the x-direction)
$angle = 0;
echo cos(deg2rad($angle)); // Output: 1
$angle = 90;
echo cos(deg2rad($angle)); // Output: 6.1232339957368E-17 (close to 0)
$angle = -45;
echo cos(deg2rad($angle)); // Output: 0.70710678118655
These examples cover the cosine function for various angles, including 0, 90 degrees, and negative angles.
Plotting of SIN & COS curves by using PHP GD function with deg2rad()
Math FunctionsSIN() function rad2deg() function