PHP number formatting for decimal and thousand places

echo "Number = $number ";
echo "<br>With formating = ".number_format($number); //  2,512,590

// Three decimal place 
echo "<br>With formating = ".number_format($number,3); // 2,512,589.668 

// Three decimal place, '.' as decimal separator and # as thousand separator 
echo "<br>With formating = ".number_format($number,3,'.','#'); //2#512#589.668 

// Two decimal place, ',' as decimal separator and : as thousand separator 
echo "<br>With formating = ".number_format($number,2,',',':'); //2:512:589,67

// Two decimal place, '.' as decimal separator and , as thousand separator 
echo "<br>With formating = ".number_format($number,2,'.',','); //2,512,589.67
One way is to round off the number or we can format the number with specifying whether to display the digits with decimal or without decimal or number of digits to display after the decimal. We can place comma ( ,) after a group of thousands. We can use other symbols in place of comma (,) for thousands and we also can replace (.) dot with symbol of our choice to be used as decimal.
Here are some examples for number formatting.

Example: Currency Formatting for Different Locales

$amount = 1234567.89;
echo number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',') . ' USD';  // Output: 1,234,567.89 USD

Example: Formatting Negative Numbers

$number = -123456.789;
echo number_format($number, 2, '.', ',');  // Output: -123,456.79

Math Functions Rounding off value pow() to get exponential value
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