LOG10(): Base 10 logarithm
echo LOG10(5);// Output is 0.69897000433602
echo "<br>";
echo LOG10(-6);// Output is NAN
echo "<br>";
echo LOG10(0);// Output is -INF
echo "<br>";
echo LOG10(8.6);// Output is 0.93449845124357
X is the input number with Base fixed base 10. We get output as LOG of X
Example 1: Logarithmic Scale for Sound Intensity
$intensity = 0.001; // Sound intensity in watts per square meter
$reference = 0.00001; // Reference intensity
$decibels = 10 * log10($intensity / $reference);
echo "Sound intensity: $decibels dB";
Example 2: Finding Log Base 10 of a Percentage
$percentage = 75;
$log_percentage = log10($percentage / 100);
echo "Logarithm base 10 of 75%: $log_percentage";
Logarithm base 10 of 75%: -0.1249387366083
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