<?Php echo PI(); // Output is 3.14159265358983 echo M_PI; // Output is 3.1415926535898 ?>Syntax
Contstant value equal to 3.1415926535898.
Math function Round is used to manage decimal places
echo round(PI(),2); // Output is 3.14
echo "<br>";
echo round(PI()/2,2); // Output is 1.57
echo "<br>";
echo round(M_PI_4,2); // Output is 0.79
echo M_PI_2; // Output is 1.5707963267949 // same as PI()/2 echo "<br>"; echo M_PI_4; // Output is 0.78539816339745 // same as PI()/4
echo M_1_PI; // Output is 1.5707963267949 // same as 1/PI() echo "<br>"; echo M_2_PI; // Output is 0.78539816339745 // same as 2/PI()
Converting Rading to degree by rad2deg()
echo rad2deg(PI()); // Output is 180 echo "<br>"; echo rad2deg(PI()/2); // Output is 90 echo "<br>"; echo rad2deg(PI()/3); // Output is 60 echo "<br>"; echo rad2deg(PI()/4); // Output is 45
echo round(sin(pi()),2);// Output is 0
echo "<br>";
echo sin(pi()/2); // Output is 1
echo "<br>";
echo cos(pi()); // Output is -1
echo "<br>";
echo round(cos(PI()/2),2); // Output is 0
We used Round function to manage decimal places. Plotting of SIN & COS curves by using PHP GD function with deg2rad()
Math FunctionsSIN() function rad2deg() function