lcg_value(): Combined linear congruential generator

echo lcg_value();
Out put is ( may change ) , refresh this page and check.
flot lcg_value ( void)
The output is pseudo random number in the range of (0, 1).

Example 1: Generating a Range of Random Values Using lcg_value()

$min = 10;
$max = 100;

// Generate a random number between 10 and 100
$randomValue = $min + (lcg_value() * ($max - $min));

echo "Random value between 10 and 100: " . $randomValue;

Example 2: Using lcg_value() for Weighted Randomness

$weight = 0.8; // Adjust weight to favor higher values

// Generate a weighted random value
$weightedRandom = lcg_value() * $weight;
echo "Weighted Random Value: " . $weightedRandom;

Example 3: Simulating Dice Rolls with lcg_value()

function rollDice() {
    return 1 + floor(lcg_value() * 6);

echo "You rolled a: " . rollDice();

Example 4: Randomizing Color Brightness with lcg_value()

function randomColor() {
    $brightness = 100 + (lcg_value() * 155); // Adjusts brightness between 100 and 255
    return "rgb($brightness, $brightness, $brightness)";

echo "Random color: " . randomColor();

Example 5: Generating a Random Probability for Events

function randomEvent($probability) {
    return lcg_value() < $probability ? "Event occurs" : "Event does not occur";

echo randomEvent(0.3); // 30% chance of event occurring

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