echo strrev('plus2net'); //ten2sulp
echo strrev($input_string);
: Input string to be reversed$st="This is a test";
echo "The string = ".$st."<br>";
echo "The new string after applying the strrev function = ".$st."<br>";
$st="Hello world";
//echo $st[4];
echo $st[$i];
Output is here
dlrow olleH
This function support utf-8 encoding and does not work with unicode strings.
Using *strrev()* can reverse strings, but it also affects special characters. Here's how to reverse a string while preserving HTML entities like < and >:
$str = "Hello <World>";
$reversed_str = htmlspecialchars(strrev(htmlspecialchars_decode($str)));
echo $reversed_str;
// Outputs: >dlroW< olleH
This example demonstrates reversing only the words while keeping their order intact:
$sentence = "PHP is great";
$reversed_words = implode(' ', array_reverse(explode(' ', $sentence)));
echo $reversed_words;
// Outputs: great is PHP
huzoor | 23-04-2012 |
Nice Collection.. I feel very happy |