ltrim(), rtrim() and trim() Trimming the string

Remove blank space from left side of any string by using ltrim() function.
$text= " This is my text";
echo $text;
echo $text;
Same way we can remove blank space from right side of any string by using rtrim() function.
$text= "This is my text ";
echo $text;
echo $text;
To remove extra blank space, line break, carriage return from both sides ( left and right ) of a string we can use trim() function
$text= " This string has blank space at both sides    ";
echo $text;
echo $text;
We can remove chars from the end of the string like this.
$str=' Hello +';
echo rtrim($str,'+');
We removed the extra '+' at the end of the string, similarly we can remove extra , or any other chars from the end of the string.
$str=' Hello Welcome';
echo rtrim($str,'come');
Output is here
Hello Wel

Remove blank space present inside a string

We may not like to have blank space present within a string (example: userid entered by user in signup page ) . We can search and inform the user about this or remove the blank space from the string variable.
We will use str_replace() to remove blank space from a string.
$new_string=str_replace(' ','',$string);
echo $new_string;

Searching for presence of white space.

We will use strstr() to check for presence of white space
$string='ABCD  XYZ';
if (strstr($string,' ')) {
echo " Blank space is  present  ";
echo " Blank space is NOT  present ";

String Functions first letter of every word to capitalize by using ucwords Change all alphabetic chars to lowercase Checking all lower case or upper case chars in a string
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