next: to move the cursor to next element of an array
Array next() returns the next element and shifts the internal pointer by one.
next(array) ;
Let us create one array and display the second element. In a new array the internal pointer will remain at the first element, so the next() function will shift the pointer to second element and returns the second element.
$my_array=array("First One", "Second One", "Third One", "Fourth One", "Fifth One");
echo next($my_array); // Second One
It returns False when the pointer or cursor is moved beyond the last element of the array or not pointing to any element.
$my_array=array("First One", "Second One", "Third One", "Fourth One", "Fifth One");
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($my_array)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
echo " Current value : ".current($my_array);
echo "The pointer moved beyond last element or the array is empty ";
In above case the cursor has moved beyond the last element of the array ( after displaying all elements inside loop ) so the next() function will return FALSE.
$my_array=array("First One", "Second One", "Third One", "Fourth One", "Fifth One");
echo current($my_array); // Output : First One
echo next($my_array); // Output : Second One
echo next($my_array); // Output : Third One
echo prev($my_array); // Output : Second One
echo end($my_array); // Output : Fifth One
echo reset($my_array); // Output : First One