Array Maximum Minimum value

We can calculate maximum value among the elements of an array by using max function. Here is a simple example.
Maximum value of Array
echo max($ar); // output is 58

  • Maximum & Minimum value & key of Array

Another example
echo max($ar);// output is 25

Key of the maximum value in array

To get the key of the maximum value of the array we have to use array_keys function.
We can also search for the value and return the key by using array_search()

echo max($ar); // output 25 
echo "<br>";
$b= array_keys($ar,max($ar));
echo $b[0]; // output 3 

echo "<br>"; // using array_search()
echo $key; // output 3
We can use this in string arrays also.
echo max($a); //optput is Welcome
echo max($ar); // output is na

Min function

We can use min function also in same way to get the minimum value from the array. Here is the example.
echo min($ar);

Example with two max value

$value= array(2,5,6,8,9,4,9,1);
echo "Maximum  value = ".max($value);
Output is
Maximum value = 9


Here is an array of students where name of the student is key and mark is stored as value. Collect the highest and lowest mark ( values here ) along with the student names ( keys here ) . Used array_search() to collect the key ( student name )

echo "highest mark : ". max($student); // output 25
echo "<br>";
echo "Student got highest mark:".array_search(max($student),$student);
echo "<br>";
echo "Lowest mark : ". min($student); // output 13
echo "<br>";
echo "Student got Lowest mark:".array_search(min($student),$student);
Output is here.
highest mark : 25
Student got highest mark : Geek
Lowest mark : 13
Student got Lowest mark : Alex
Joining Two Arrays by array_merge
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    if there are duplicate values or if the minimum value is twice in the array?


    example with two maximum value is added


    excellent, thank you!

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