Demo of using session array to create a simple shopping cart

 Shopping cart plus2-cart-v1 We will be using array commands to manage our shopping cart. We will be using three files.

cart.php : to Declare the array and adding elements
cart-display : Displaying all elements of the array
cart-remove-all: using unset command cart can be cleared.

At the starting of each page we will keep session_start() command. Here is the code for cart.php file
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
<title>Demo of Session array used for cart from</title>

$_SESSION['cart']=array(); // Declaring session array
array_push($_SESSION['cart'],'apple','mango','banana'); // Items added to cart

echo "Number of Items in the cart = ".sizeof($_SESSION['cart'])." <a href=cart-remove-all.php>Remove all</a><br>";
In the above code we used array_push() to add products to our shopping cart array. We have also used sizeof to count total number of elements present in our array.

cart-display.php :Displaying elements ( products )

We can display all elements or products present inside the array cart by using while loop. Here is the code.
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">

<title>Displaying Session Cart products from</title>

echo "Number of Items in the cart = ".sizeof($_SESSION['cart'])." <a href=cart-remove-all.php>Remove all</a><br>";

while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_SESSION['cart'])) { echo "$key -> $val <br>"; } ?> </body> </html>

cart-remove-all.php : Remove all elements ( products ) from the cart

We will use unset command to remove elements from the cart. After removal we will display the total number of products available in the cart.
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">

<title>Session Cart removal by</title>


while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_SESSION['cart'])) { 
//echo "$key -> $val <br>"; 

echo "Number of Items in the cart = ".sizeof($_SESSION['cart'])." <br>";

In above code we are removing items from the cart and not removing the cart itself. By using the code below we can completely remove the cart.
After removing the cart if you try to display the items then script will give a warning message like this.
PHP Warning:  Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in J:\..path....\cart-display.php on line 15
You can keep the code block inside isset() and then use.
// script to check and display elements 
// message to user to add products to cart

cart-remove.php Removing elements based on user selection

We can add a feature to remove elements from the cart based on user selection. For this we need to add one more page. We will say cart-remove.php . For this we need to understand handling of checkbox array and getting the checkbox array data after the form is posted.
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">

<title>Session Cart removal on selection by user at</title>

while (list ($key1,$val1) = @each ($item)) {
//echo "$key1 , $val1,<br>";


echo "Number of Items in the cart = ".sizeof($_SESSION['cart'])." <br>";
echo "<form method=post action=''>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_SESSION['cart'])) { 
echo " <input type=checkbox name=item[] value='$key'>  $key -> $val <br>"; 
echo "<input type=submit value=Remove></form>";
<a href=cart.php>Cart adding</a> . <a href=cart-display.php>Display Items</a> .<a href=cart-remove.php>Remove Item</a> 

Adding product by user to the cart

User can enter product name and add them to cart. For this a new file card-add.php is added to the script. This page shows a text box to user and on submit the data is added to shopping cart. This way users can add items to the cart without affecting the existing items in the cart.
<form method=post action=''>
Enter a product name <input type=text name=product>
<input type=submit value='Add to Cart'>
array_push($_SESSION['cart'],$product); // Items added to cart
echo "<br>Number of Items in the cart = ".sizeof($_SESSION['cart']);

Session Cart with Multidimensional array

Products can have more than one attributes for the users to select. User can select quantity or colour or size while selecting a product. We will modify the above script and use multidimensional array as session variable.

You can learn how to add , remove , products to a session array here.

You can download the demo script with multidimensional array here .

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    good tutorial :) Thanks!


    Hallo, good tutorial to think, but I think it's kind of bad tutorial aswell, if you will use it in real shop there will be problem with array_push, for example array_push($_SESSION['cardItems'],$productID); will overwrite last added product.


    Now that's a very useful and thank God finally a simple code, thanks!


    how to database calling in array for cart page .


    how selected shopping cart item show list in cart on next page on click cart(basket) using javascript and used session without database


    @Artur : array_push() will not remove any element from the array, it will only add at the end of the array.


    Amazing stuff

    Post your comments , suggestion , error , requirements etc here .

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