import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("500x500") # Size of the window
my_w.title("") # Adding a title
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
Entry e1 | e1=tk.Entry(my_w,text='plus2net',font=24) e1.get() to read entries e1.delete(0,end) to remove entries textvariable=StringVar() To read or update user entries | |
Button b1 | b1=tk.Button(my_w,text=’My Button’,width=10,bg=’green’) command=lambda:my_function() to add click event w=b1.cget(‘width’) width of the button state= normal, active or disabled relief =raised , sunken ,flat, ridge, solid & groove Border style | |
Checkbutton | c1_v1=tk.StringVar() c1 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='PHP', variable=c1_v1, onvalue='Yes',offvalue='No',command=my_upd) c1_v1.get() Read the value c1_v1.set(‘No) Set the value | |
Radiobutton | r1_v = tk.StringVar() r1_v.set('Passed') Set the value or select the radio button by default r1 = tk.Radiobutton(my_w, text='Passed', variable=r1_v, value='Passed',command=my_upd) r2 = tk.Radiobutton(my_w, text='Failed', variable=r1_v, value='Failed',command=my_upd) | |
Combobox | sel=tk.StringVar() cb1 = ttk.Combobox(my_w, values=months,width=7,textvariable=sel) cb1.get() Value of the selected option cb1.current() index of the current selection cb1.delete(0,'end') Clear the selection cb1['values'] +=('my new',) Adding option state=active, normal, disabled | |
Label | font1=[‘Times’,28,’underline’] my_str = tk.StringVar() l1 = tk.Label(my_w, textvariable=my_str, width=10,font=font1,bg='yellow', anchor='center' ) my_str.get() Read the Label my_str.set(‘Welcome’) Update the text relief=raised, sunken, ridge, solid,flat, groove | |
Text | t1 = tk.Text(my_w, height=1, width=20,bg='yellow') my_str=t1.get("1.0",'end-1c') Read the entry t1.insert(tk.END, my_str) Insert text | |
Treeview | trv=ttk.Treeview(my_w,selectmode='browse') trv["columns"]=("1","2") trv['show']='headings' trv.column("1",width=30,anchor='c') trv.column("2",width=80,anchor='c') trv.heading("1",text="id") trv.heading("2",text="Name") i=1 trv.insert("",'end',iid=i, values=(i,'Alex') ) | |
Progressbar | prg1 = ttk.Progressbar(my_w,orient = HORIZONTAL,value=70,length = 300,mode = 'determinate') prg1['value'] =80 Update the value or read the value | |
Spinbox | t1 = StringVar() sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,width=5,textvariable=t1) t1.set(8) Update t1.get() Read | |
StringVar() | str1=tk.StringVar(value='Option 1') str1.set(‘Option 2’) Update str1.get() Read str1.trace_add('write',my_upd) | |
Events | ||
Message Box | ||
Layout |