Tkinter Checkbutton reading the Checked or Unchecked value & setting the state to disabled or enable
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("500x500") # Size of the window
c1 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w,text='PHP',variable=c_v1,
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
In above code we have linked the IntVar() variable c_v1 to the checkbutton. This value we will be using for our reading and writing ( setting ) the status of the checkbutton.
onvalue=1 means the variable c_v1 will receive the value 1 when checkbutton is clicked. or checked offvalue=0 means the variable c_v1 will receive the value. 0 when checkbutton is unchecked
How to read the status ( get value of the associated variable ) of the check box. ?
my_val=c1_v1.get() #c1_v1 is the variable connected to checkbutton
How to set the value of the checkbutton ( to Check or Uncheck )?
We will use the above concepts. Note that checkbutton can have values 1 or 0 ( integer variable ), Yes or No ( string variable) , True or False ( Boolean variable ). We will learn all three types here.
How to set a default value ( check or uncheck ) to a checkbutton 🔝
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
def my_upd():
print('Check box value :',c1_v1.get())
c1 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='PHP', variable=c1_v1,
c1_v1.set(False) # Change to True to check the Checkbutton by default
Using all above knowledge let us try to make second text button check or uncheck based on updating of first checkbox. Here we need to read the data of first checkbutton and then copy the same to second checkbutton. Note that checkbuttons can hold values other than 0 or 1 ( True or False ).
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
def my_upd():
print('Check box value :',c1_v1.get())
c1 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='PHP', variable=c1_v1,
c1_v1.set('Yes') # Default value is kept as checked
c2 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='MySQL', variable=c2_v2,
c2_v2.set('Yes') # Default value is kept as checked
select() : To check the Checkbutton deselect() : to Uncheck the Checkbutton toggle() : to change the status invoke() : Same effect as button is clicked flash() : flash between active and normal colors but stay in the same state
Here we are using a dictionary where the keys represent programming languages, and the values indicate their status. This dictionary can be populated with data sourced from databases or other external sources. Leveraging this data, we dynamically create a group of checkbuttons to display initial statuses. Furthermore, note how changes in status are captured and displayed in real-time ( on a Label ) as the user interacts with the checkbuttons by checking or unchecking them.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("600x250") # Size of the window
my_font1=('times', 30, 'normal') # for Checkbutts
my_font2=('times', 22, 'normal') # for the Label
col=0 # to increment the column value in grid layout
for option in languages:
# create variable like PY_VAR0, PY_VAR1 etc with initial value
col=col+1 # increase the column value by 1 to place the next checkbutton
my_str=tk.StringVar(value='Data here')
lb1=tk.Label(my_w,textvariable=my_str, bg='lightyellow',font=my_font2)
def my_upd():
#print(languages["PHP"].get()) # status of any particular language or Key
str1=[] # blank list to store the status.
for options in languages:
str2=options + ':' + str(languages[options].get())
str1.append(str2) # add the element to list
str1=", ".join(map(str,str1)) # create string using all elements of the list
my_str.set(str1) # Set the stringVar with the value
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
controls how the toggle state of the widget is displayed to the user.
When indicatoron is set to 1 (default value), the widget displays the standard radio button or checkbox next to the widget's text. This makes it clear that the widget represents a choice that can be turned on or off.
Setting indicatoron to 0 changes the widget to behave more like a push button.
This can be useful for creating a more customized or unique UI appearance while still using the toggle functionality of these widgets.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("500x150") # Size of the window
my_w.title("") # Window title
font1=['Arial',15,'normal'] # Font type,size, style
c1 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='PHP', variable=c1_v1,width=12,indicatoron=0,
c2 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='MySQL',variable=c2_v2,width=12,indicatoron=0,
c3 = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='Python', variable=c3_v3,width=12,indicatoron=0,
activebackground="light blue",selectcolor="yellow")
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
One dictionary is used with Food item name as key and Price as value. Using this dictionary the manu is populated by using checkbuttons with indicatoron attribute to select or unselect each item.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("500x410") # Size of the window
my_font1=('times', 30, 'normal') # for Checkbutts
my_font2=('times', 22, 'normal') # for the Label
# Dictionary as List of food items ( key ) with price (value)
my_items={'Pizza':100,'Biryani':200,'Coffee ':50,'Drinks':50,'Tea':4}
row=0 # to increment the row value in grid layout
my_var=[] # To hold the variable references
i=0 # reference counter
for option in my_items:
# show price to the right of the item
i=i+1 # increase the reference
row=row+1 # increase the row value by 1 to place the next checkbutton
def my_upd():
my_sum=0 # To calculate the total price
global my_var # call the refrence
i=0 # reference counter
for options in my_items:
my_sum=my_sum + my_var[i].get()
i=i+1 # increase the reference counter
my_total.set(my_sum) # Update the total value
lb1=tk.Label(my_w,text='Total :', bg='yellow',font=my_font2)
lb2=tk.Label(my_w,textvariable=my_total, bg='yellow',font=my_font2,anchor='e')
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
When one can be selected ( or True ) among the many choices then Radio button is used.
When more than one option can be selected ( or True ) then checkbuttons can be used.
How many languages you know ? Answer can be more than one of the given options like PHP, Python, JavaScript, JQuery. Here Checkbox or checkbuttons representing one language as option is to be used.
Have you cleared the qualifying exam? The choice ( options ) are Yes, No or Appearing. Since one of the three options can be selected so here we will use Radio buttons.
Create a list of checkboxes representing different languages? User can select the languages they know and a Label will display name of all languages selected. Once any language is unchecked the value inside Label should update.
How do you create a Checkbutton in a Tkinter application?
What is the purpose of the variable option in a Tkinter Checkbutton?
How can you retrieve the current state (checked or unchecked) of a Checkbutton in Tkinter?
In Tkinter, how do you associate a command function with a Checkbutton that executes when the Checkbutton state changes?
Explain how to disable a Checkbutton widget in Tkinter. Provide an example code snippet.
How do you create a group of Checkbuttons in Tkinter that share the same callback function but perform different actions based on which Checkbutton was toggled?
Describe how to change the text of a Checkbutton widget in Tkinter dynamically during runtime.
Can a Checkbutton in Tkinter be part of a Radiobutton group? Explain how Checkbuttons differ from Radiobuttons in their use.
Provide an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create three Checkbuttons in Tkinter, each bound to a separate BooleanVar, and a button that prints the state of each Checkbutton when clicked.