Task List using Tkinter

Task List using Checkbuttons in Tkinter

Font style

We will use one tuple to create two types of font styles, one for normal and other when task is completed or the checkbox is checked.
f_done=('Times',22,'overstrike') # font values to use
f_normal=('Times',22,'normal')   # font values to use

Assigning the font

Based on the event ( checked or not checked ) we can assign or update the font attribute of the Checkbutton by using config().
Attribute fg is used to change the foreground color or font colour of the text.
Once the status of the checkbutton is changed this will trigger the function my_upd().
def my_upd(): 

Tkinter Task (todo) list by using Check buttons and managing font overstrike style through events

Full code is here
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()

f_done=('Times',22,'overstrike') # font values to use
f_normal=('Times',22,'normal')   # font values to use 
def my_upd(): 

var=tk.BooleanVar() # variable 
ck = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text='My task No :1', 
        command=lambda: my_upd())

Dynamic creation of Checkbuttons

Tkinter task list from Dictionary using key and tasks as values inside a for loop to manage style

We may not be sure about number of check buttons required or number of Tasks we have to display. In this case dynamically we have to create the widgets based on the inputs conditions.
We may have 5 tasks to complete in one day and may have 10 tasks to display in second day.
We used dictionary to store tasks as values with keys.
my_dict={'a':'My Task No 1','b':'My Task No 2','c':'My Task No 3'}
The method my_dict.keys() returns a list of keys and using this inside a for loop, we can create one checkbutton dynamically for each task.
Once the status of the checkbutton is changed, the command option calls my_upd(k) by passing the dictionary key k as parameter.
for k in  my_dict.keys(): # Number of checkbuttons or tasks 
    var=tk.BooleanVar() # variable connected to Checkbutton 
    ck = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text=my_dict[k], 
        command=lambda k=k: my_upd(k))
Inside the for loop, after creating the checkbutton we are storing the reference of checkbutton ck and the associated variable var in a dictionary my_ref.
my_ref={} # Storing the references 
i=1 # row number ( after using 0 row number for Label at top)
for k in my_dict.keys(): # Number of checkbuttons or tasks 
    var=tk.BooleanVar() # variable connected to Checkbutton 
    ck = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text=my_dict[k], 
        command=lambda k=k: my_upd(k))

    my_ref[k]=[ck,var] # to hold the references 
    i=i+1 # increase the row number 
Full code is here.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()


def my_upd(k): # k is the key of the reference dictionary 
    if(my_ref[k][1].get()==True): # checkbox is checked 
    else: # Checkbox is unchecked
l1=tk.Label(my_w,text='Task List',
my_dict={'a':'My Task No 1','b':'My Task No 2','c':'My Task No 3'}
my_ref={} # Storing the references 
i=1 # row number ( after using 0 row number for Label at top)
for k in my_dict.keys(): # Number of checkbuttons or tasks 
    var=tk.BooleanVar() # variable connected to Checkbutton 
    ck = tk.Checkbutton(my_w, text=my_dict[k], 
        command=lambda k=k: my_upd(k))

    my_ref[k]=[ck,var] # to hold the references 
    i=i+1 # increase the row number 


Using SQLite or MySQL database as source

The list of task with status can be taken from SQLite database and user can update the status of the task by updating the matching column in table.
Task list using Database table ( Part III )
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