Interactive Events in Tkinter: Handling User Inputs and Actions
Mouse Left button click
Mouse center button click
Mouse Right button click
Mouse Left button Press and move
Mouse Left button release, ButtonRelease-2 for Middle and 3 for right button.
Left Mouse key is double clicked.
Mouse Entry over a widget
Mouse Leave a widget
Mouse Wheel Up or Down rotation
Tkinter binding Mouse button wheel and movement events capturing and triggering callback functions
event.x event.y
Based on any event we can read the x, y coordinates of the position by reading event.x and event.y values. Here is a function which displays the x and y coordinates inside a Label. We used config() to update the text option of the Label.
def my_callback(event):
l1.config(text='Clicked at : '+ str(event.x) +","+ str(event.y))
Bind Events
We can bind various mouse events of parent window ( or any widget ) and trigger the callback function.
Here is a sample of using left mouse button click to call my_callback() function.
my_w.bind('<Button-1>',my_callback) #Mouse Left button click
import tkinter as tk # Python 3
my_w = tk.Tk()
def my_callback(event):
l1.config(text='Clicked the key : '+ event.char)
l1=tk.Label(my_w,text='to Display',bg='yellow',font=('Times',26,'normal'))
my_w.bind('<a>',my_callback) # Key a is pressed
my_w.bind('<K>',my_callback) # Key K is pressed
Difference between KeyPress and KeyRelease
Here the function my_t1() change the background colour of Entry widget t1 once the number of char exceeds 5. Here the KeyPress event will react after 7 chars are entered. However KeyRelease event will trigger the change in background colour once 6th char is entered.
Difference between KeyPress and KeyRelease events.→
This Tkinter application demonstrates how to use a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+1) to open a new window.
import tkinter as tk
# Function to open a new Tkinter window
def open_window(event=None):
new_window = tk.Toplevel(root)
new_window.title("New Window")
label = tk.Label(new_window, text="This is a new window!", font=("Arial", 14), fg="#dc3545")
# Main Tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Shortcut Key Example")
# Label for instructions with Bootstrap 'text-primary' color
instructions = tk.Label(root, text="Press Ctrl+1 to open a new window", font=("Arial", 12), fg="#007bff")
# Bind Ctrl+1 to the open_window function
root.bind("<Control-Key-1>", open_window)
# Run the Tkinter event loop