Dynamically managing Labels

Tkinter dynamic creation of Labels by managing rows and columns based on multi-dimensional list

All Labels we will use are added to our application based on the elements present in the data source. Here source can be a list, any excel page, or any database or from any CSV ( comma separated value ) file.

Here the Labels are created dynamically based on the data source requirments.

We will start with a simple list as data source and create Labels.
Let us start from a basic layout of our Tkinter window.
import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
font1=('Times',22,'normal') # font family, size, style
my_w.geometry("400x300")  # width and height of the window

l1=['abc','def','ghi','jkl'] # List as source of data 
my_row=0 # Starting row number 
for data in l1:
    my_row=my_row+1 # Go to Next row by adding 1 

Number of rows and columns

Number of labels required can change, here we are keeping two variables my_row and my_col to update the number of rows and columns based on the input conditions.
import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
font1=('Times',22,'normal') # font family, size, style
my_w.geometry("400x300")  # width and height of the window

my_row,my_col=0,0 # First row and first column values are set here
for data in l1:
    my_col=my_col+1 # Increase column to next on Left side 
    if(my_col>=3):  # Maximum Number of elements in a row reached
        my_row=my_row+1 # Go to Next row 
        my_col=0 # column start from left 

Storing the reference of the Labels

Storing reference of Labels
To store the references of the Label widgets we will create one blank list. To this list we will add reference of our Label widgets by using list append method.
import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
font1=('Times',22,'normal') # font family, size, style
my_w.geometry("400x300")  # width and height of the window
my_labels=[] # to store the reference of all Labels 
for data in l1:
    my_col=my_col+1 # Increase column to next on Left side 
    if(my_col>=3):  # Maximum Number of elements in a row reached
        my_row=my_row+1 # Go to Next row 
        my_col=0 # column start from left

my_labels[4].config(bg='yellow')#The option is changed using the references 

Managing the geometry ( width and height )

Updating height and width of window using geometry
Based on the number of rows we can adjust the height of the window by updating the geometry.
import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
font1=('Times',22,'normal') # font family, size, style
my_w.geometry(d)  # width and height of the window

for data in l1:
    my_col=my_col+1 # Increase column to next on Left side 
    if(my_col>=3):  # Maximum Number of elements in a row reached
        my_row=my_row+1 # Go to Next row 
        my_col=0 # column start from left

height=my_row*50 # calculate new height based on number of rows
d=str(width)+"x"+str(height) # string with new height
my_w.geometry(d) # Update the new dimensions


Two-dimensional list as source

Multi-dimnesional List as data source for Labels to display
We can display elements of a multi-dimensional list elements in a window by using Labels. Here is our code.
import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
font1=('Times',22,'normal') # font family, size, style
my_w.geometry(d)  # width and height of the window


my_row,my_col=1,0 # First row and first column values are set here
my_labels=[] # to store the reference of all Labels 

for data in l1: # get each row of the list as data 
    for my_col in range(len(data)): # get each element of the row of data
        my_labels.append(my_label) # add the reference 
    my_row=my_row+1 # Go to Next row 
height=my_row*40 #  calculate new height based on number of rows
d=str(width)+"x"+str(height) # string with new height
my_w.geometry(d) # Update the dimension of the window 

In my loop for creating dynamic labels in Tkinter, I also add ttk separators below each label, enhancing visual separation and clarity in my GUI, especially when displaying data from various sources.
Dynamically adding separators below the rows

Displaying Data from Different Sources

Labels displaying Excel Data
We will use openpyxl library and read data from Student Excel file.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
width,height=450,150 # width and height of the window
d=str(width)+'x'+str(height) # string to set dimension
my_w.geometry(d) # Initial Dimension is set
font1=('Times',18,'normal') # font to be used in Labels
my_labels=[] # to store reference of Labels

wb = load_workbook(filename='E:\\testing\\student.xlsx', read_only=True)
ws = wb['student'] # connecting to sheet
for data in ws.iter_rows(max_col=5,max_row=10,values_only=True):
    for my_col in range(len(data)):
wb.close()# Close the workbook after reading

height=(my_row-1)*45 # height based on number of rows
d=str(width)+'x'+str(height) # String with new width & height
my_w.geometry(d) #Update window width & height 
Tkinter Labels to display data from different sources like Excel , SQLite and MySQL student table

Using SQLite database we can collect records from Student table and display records.
We used try except error handling to display any error.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine 
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
my_path="E:\\testing\\sqlite\\my_db.db" #Change the path 
my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///"+ my_path)#SQLite Connection

import tkinter  as tk 
my_w = tk.Tk()
width,height=450,150 # width and height of the window
d=str(width)+'x'+str(height) # string to set dimension
my_w.geometry(d) # Initial Dimension is set
font1=('Times',18,'normal') # font to be used in Labels
my_labels=[] # to store reference of Labels
    r_set=my_conn.execute('SELECT * from student LIMIT 0,2')
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
    for data in r_set:
        for my_col in range(len(data)):
height=(my_row-1)*45 # height based on number of rows
d=str(width)+'x'+str(height) # String with new width & height
my_w.geometry(d) #Update window width & height 
For taking data from MySQL Database, we have to replace the connection line only. Student table SQL dump is here.
#my_path="E:\\testing\\sqlite\\my_db.db" #Change the path 
#my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///"+ my_path)#SQLite Connection

my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:pw@localhost/my_db")
Entry Dynamic Buttons Dynamic Entry Dynamically managing Spinboxes Label
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