import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk() # Parent window
my_w.geometry("620x300") # Size of the window
my_w.title("") # Adding a title
font1=['Arial',52,'normal'] # Higher size font
msg1=tk.Message(my_w,text='Welcome to plus2net tkinter section',
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
The Message widget in Tkinter displays dynamic help messages that update the text as the user navigates through different input fields.
The widget maintains a fixed size; it automatically adjusts the text line breaks to fit varying message lengths.
This functionality is controlled by event handlers linked to the input widgets, ensuring the displayed text updates appropriately.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk() # Parent window
my_w.geometry("600x300") # Size of the window
my_w.title("") # Adding a title
font1=['Arial',22,'normal'] # Higher size font
font2=['Arial',18,'normal'] # Higher size font
my_w.columnconfigure(4,weight=1) # to fix size of Message box
def my_food(*args):
if my_var.get()==2:
my_str.set('We have excellent Veg items')
my_str.set('Our Chicken Pizza is the best ')
my_var = tk.IntVar() # for Radiobutton
r1=tk.Radiobutton(my_w,variable=my_var,bg='red',text='Non Veg',
command=lambda:my_str.set('Thanks, data stored'))
my_str=tk.StringVar(value='Message here') # for Message widget
my_var.trace_add('write',my_food) # Radiobutton Click event
e1.bind('<FocusIn>',lambda n:my_str.set('Your Name')) # Entry box
e1.bind('<FocusOut>',lambda n:my_str.set('Welcome'))
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
for options in msg1.config():
Attribute | Description |
anchor | Determines where the text is positioned within the widget if the widget has more space than required for the text. Default is center. |
aspect | Controls the ratio of width to height of the widget when resizing. Default value is 150 |
bg or background | Sets the background color of the widget. |
bd or borderwidth | Width of the border around the widget. Default value is 1 pixels. Use this along with relief to get visible border around the Message widget. |
cursor | The cursor that appears when the mouse is over the message widget. Examples include arrow, circle, dotbox, etc. |
font | The font used for the message text, specified as a tuple (e.g., ('Helvetica', 12, 'bold')). |
fg or foreground | Color of the text on message widget. |
highlightbackground | Color of the focus highlight when the widget does not have focus. |
highlightcolor | Color of the focus highlight when the widget has focus. |
highlightthickness | Thickness of the focus highlight. Default : 0 |
justify | Controls how the text is justified: LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT. Default : LEFT |
padx | Horizontal padding of the text within the widget. |
pady | Vertical padding of the text within the widget. |
relief | Type of the border around the widget. Options are FLAT, RAISED, SUNKEN, GROOVE, and RIDGE. Use this along with borderwidth ( bd ) to get visible border around the Message widget. |
text | The text displayed by the widget, which can include plain text or properly formatted text. |
takefocus | Should be included in the keyboard focus traversal or not ( True , False), Default : 0 |
textvariable | A variable (e.g., a Tkinter StringVar) used to manage the widget’s text dynamically, instead of using the text attribute. ( my_str in above example ) |
width | Width of the widget. Set explicitly or determined by content; affects text wrapping if specified. |
import tkinter as tk
def on_focus_in(event):
def on_focus_out(event):
my_w = tk.Tk()
msg = tk.Message(my_w, text="Keep on pressing Tab.", width=300, font=("Arial", 14), takefocus=True)
msg.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
# Binding focus in and out events
msg.bind("<FocusIn>", on_focus_in)
msg.bind("<FocusOut>", on_focus_out)
Feature | Label | Message |
Text Wrapping | The Label widget does not automatically wrap text. Newline characters (\n) must be manually inserted for multiline text. | The Message widget automatically wraps text based on the widget's width, controlled by the width attribute. |
Use Case | Best suited for displaying a small amount of text, such as titles, labels for inputs, or brief instructions. | Designed for longer text that requires wrapping, making it ideal for variable-length text in the GUI. |
Configuration Options | Offers basic text display options like font customization, background and foreground colors, and alignment. | Provides similar font and color settings as Label, plus detailed control over text wrapping through the aspect attribute. |
Performance | Faster and more efficient for handling static text that doesn’t change frequently or require wrapping. | Flexible with dynamic text and wrapping, but may be slightly less efficient due to more complex text handling capabilities. |
grid : Use the rowconfigure or columnconfigure
Use the sticky option with row and column.
import tkinter as tk
def on_enter(event):
def on_leave(event):
my_w = tk.Tk()
msg = tk.Message(my_w, text="Hover over this message!", width=300, font=("Arial", 14))
msg.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=50)
# Binding mouseover and mouse leave events
msg.bind("<Enter>", on_enter)
msg.bind("<Leave>", on_leave)