Restaurant Management System V-2 ( Database Integration)

Restaurant Management script using Tkinter with product table from MySQL database for backend
The Part -2 of the script should have these added features
- Connect to MySQL database and retrieve data based one of the selected category of products.
- The products which are available ( available column in table should have value =1 ) only , should be displayed.
- While displaying the product, the price of the product should be shown.
Price has to be managed from database table.
- On selection of one of the category option ( by radio buttons ) the product ( menu items ) list should change to reflect the selected category.
- Based on the number of products returned by database table the rows and columns should adjust itself.
- Number of columns in rows should be easily managed at a central place.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://root:pw@localhost/db_name")
MySQL Installing»
MySQL Connecting string »
MySQL connection using SQLAlchemy »
To create product table plus2_products and to insert sample data, use this sql dump.
« Restaurant Management V-1 « Restaurant Management V-3
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