Restaurant Management System V-3 ( Invoice Generation )
Tkinter Storing product sale with details in table and generate Invoice Restaurant Management system
The Part -3 of the script should have these added features
Once the details of selection of product with total and tax details are shown ( Check the Part II of Restaurant Management ) the following features are to be added.
On click of the Reset / confirmation button the display part will reset to blank ( listing of sold products ) and all the spinboxes will reset to 0.
As the sale is confirmed, one unique bill number is to be generated by inserting data , total price and tax price to the plus2_bill table.
Using the unique bill number , all sold product details like product id, quantity , price with bill number and data are to be inserted to plus2_sell table.
One button will be displayed saying Generate bill and on click of it the function my_invoice() will be triggered.
The function my_invoice will receive the bill number and using this it will generate the Invoice.
The function my_invoice will collect all the names of the product sold, with price, quantity and generate the full invoice.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://root:pw@localhost/db_name")
Here is the script to first remove all records from plus2_bill and plus2_sell, then insert records for previous n ( check the for loop at the end ) days. No data is added to plus2_products table.