array_shift(): Taking out first element of the array

array_shift() to remove first element of the array
Take out the first element of the array and returns the same. After applying array_shift() total elements of the array reduces by one. All numerical array keys are re-indexed but literal keys remain same.

Returns the shifted element ( first element ) of the array.

Here $input is an array, $output get the value of first element of the array.
echo $output; // Output is  One
echo "<br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($input)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
Output of above code is here( $output gets the first element One )

0 -> Two 
1 -> Three 
2 -> Four 
3 -> Five 

With Literal Keys

$input=array('Fruits1' =>'Banana','Fruits2'=>'Mango','Fruits3'=>'Apple','Fruits4'=>'Grapes');
echo $output; // Output is  Banana
echo "<br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($input)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
Output is here, ( $output gets the first element Banana)

Fruits2 -> Mango 
Fruits3 -> Apple 
Fruits4 -> Grapes

Using current

By using current() we can get the element to which the present internal pointer is pointing. By default it points to first element of the array.
$input=array('Fruits1' =>'Banana','Fruits2'=>'Mango','Fruits3'=>'Apple','Fruits4'=>'Grapes');
echo current($input); 
echo "<br>";
echo current($input);
Output is here.( The first element is changed from Banana to Mango)
Joining Two Arrays by array_merge
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