array_unshift(): Adding one element at starting of the array

Array unshift() to add one element at the beginning of the array
To add one or more element at the beginning of the array. After applying array_unshift() total elements of the array increases by one or more . All numerical array keys are re-indexed but literal keys remain same.

Returns the total number of elements present (after adding using array_unshift() to the array.)

Here $input is an array, $output get the value of total number of elements of the array.
echo $output; // Output is  6
echo "<br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($input)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
Output of above code is here( $output gets the number of elements present 6 )

0 -> added_now 
1 -> One 
2 -> Two 
3 -> Three 
4 -> Four 
5 -> Five
To add more than one element we will change the code like this.

With Literal Keys

$input=array('Fruits1' =>'Banana','Fruits2'=>'Mango','Fruits3'=>'Apple','Fruits4'=>'Grapes');
$output=array_unshift($input, 'Strawberry');
echo $output; // Output is 5
echo "<br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($input)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
Output is here, ( $output gets the first element Banana)

0 -> Strawberry 
Fruits1 -> Banana 
Fruits2 -> Mango 
Fruits3 -> Apple 
Fruits4 -> Grapes
Now key of the first element is 0. To add one element with key to an associative array we have to use the code below.
$input=array('Fruits1' =>'Banana','Fruits2'=>'Mango','Fruits3'=>'Apple','Fruits4'=>'Grapes');
$input=array('new_fruit'=> 'Strawberry') + $input;
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($input)) {
echo "$key -> $val <br>";
Output is here
new_fruit -> Strawberry 
Fruits1 -> Banana 
Fruits2 -> Mango 
Fruits3 -> Apple 
Fruits4 -> Grapes

Using current

By using current() we can get the element to which the present internal pointer is pointing. By defalut it points to first element of the array.
$input=array('Fruits1' =>'Banana','Fruits2'=>'Mango','Fruits3'=>'Apple','Fruits4'=>'Grapes');
echo current($input); 
echo "<br>";
echo current($input); 
Output is here.( The first element is changed from Banana to Mango)
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