master: (Optional)The variable is associated with, default value is parent window. value:(Optional) We can set the initial value for the variable. name : (Optional) Name given default is PY_VAR1
Tkitner IntVar() get(), set(), trace() methods to manage data and trigger call back functions
trace_add(self, mode, callback)
For an IntVar() we can check the different modes of this variable and trigger call back functions. This is the main advantage of using such variables.
read :Read - the variable is read by someone write :Write- the variable is written ( updated ) by someone ( frequently used). unset :undefined – The variable is deleted
or a list or tuple of such strings.
db1.trace_add(['write','read'],my_r) # callback when data changes
Here is an example which uses w ( write ) mode to display the value of the variable when ever it changes.
We used one Button and used on Click event to change the value of this variable db1 from 5 to 10.
In above examples we used set() method to assign data to the Integer variable and to read the data stored we used get() method. These two methods are frequently used in our scripts.
int1.set(10) # assign value to int1
print(int1.get()) # display the value assigned to int1
Initializing IntVar
We can using set() method to assign data to IntVar, after declaring or we can assign value while declaring the string variable.
int1=tk.IntVar(value=5) # Assign value to int1
Length of IntVar
Before using len function, we have to convert the IntVar to string by using str()
Normal Variable and IntVar
IntVar() is a class in Tkinter. In a GUI application we require various events to be captured to trigger different functions (requirements). If we use normal Python variable with widgets then monitoring the changes is difficult. However by using a IntVar we can monitor the changes and trigger functions based on the requirements.
Displaying selected Radio button value
We can associate one IntVar() to three set of radio buttons and then on selection we can display the value using one Label.
Here we are using get() method to read the data of the IntVar() r_v. This data we are displaying using Label ( l1 )config() method.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("400x200") # Size of the window
r_v=tk.IntVar() # Declaring the integer variable
r_v.set(2) # Set the value of IntVar to 2
def my_upd(*args):
my_data=r_v.get() # read the value of selected radio button
l1.config(text=str(my_data)) # Update the Label with data
r_v.trace_add('write',my_upd) # call the my_upd() once data is changed.
my_upd() # Update function
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open