Python tkinter Spinbox

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Tkinter Spinbox

Tkinter Spinbox to select value from given list or range and how to set and get value with options

Using Spinbox user can select value from a range of given options.
Two SpinBox widgets, one for integer and other one is for string selection by user.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("300x150")  # Size of the window 
my_w.title("")  # Adding a title

sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,width=5)

my_list=['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five']
sb2 = Spinbox(my_w,values=my_list,width=10)

my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open
User can use the arrow buttons to change the options or enter directly the value.

How to set default value for Spinbox 🔝

Default value set for Tkinter Spinbox
By using StringVar we can set the default value of the Spinbox. Here for both the types ( number and string ) of Spinbox widgets, two different string variables ( t1 and t2 ) are used and by using set() method the default values are set.

We must set the value t2.set('Four') after creating the widget.
t1 = StringVar() # string variable 
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,width=5,textvariable=t1)
t1.set(5) # set value for string variable 

t2=StringVar() # string variable
my_list=['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five']
sb2 = Spinbox(my_w,values=my_list,width=10,textvariable=t2)
t2.set('Four')#set value for string vaiable

Reading the value of Spinbox with on change of selection 🔝

Reading value on change event of  Tkinter Spinbox
We used two Labels here. The first Label ( l1 ) is connected to the Spinbox ( sb2 ) through StringVar t2. So once the selection of Spinbox is changed the value of StringVar t2 is reflected in Label ( l1).

The second Label ( l2 ) gets its value by this line l2.config(text=sb2.get()) inside the function desp(). This function desp() is triggered through the command attribute of Spinbox ( command=desp )
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
my_w = tk.Tk()

def desp():
    l2.config(text=sb2.get()) # 2nd Label value
    print(sb2.get()) # output at console 
    print(t2.get())  # output at console
t2 = StringVar() # connected to 1st Label and Spinbox
my_tuple=['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five']
sb2 = Spinbox(my_w,values=my_tuple,font=font1,width=5,
    textvariable=t2, command=desp)

l1 = tk.Label(my_w,  textvariable=t2, width=10,bg='yellow' )

l2 = tk.Label(my_w,  width=10 ,text='data here',bg='lightblue')
my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Enable disable Spinbox 🔝

To disable we can use option state or use config().
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10, state='disabled')
or using config()
We can restore by using state='normal'
The third value of state is readonly. We can't use insert() method when state='readonly'

Methods 🔝

delete(first, last=None): Delete one or more characters from the element.
get: Returns the Spinbox string ( Check above examples)
insert(index,string): Place the string at Index position.
index(index): Returns numerical Index.
identify(x,y):Returns the name of the widget at position x, y
invoke:Causes the specified element to be invoked

Using delete and insert methods 🔝

We will remove four and place FOUR as element.
t2 = StringVar()
my_list=['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five']
sb2 = Spinbox(my_w,values=my_list,  textvariable=t2, width=10)
sb2.delete(0,'end') # replace from 0 position till end
sb2.insert(0,'FOUR') # add string from 0 position
Above codes will not update any option when state='readonly' or state='disabled'

Creating Interlinked Spinboxes in Tkinter for Range Selection 🔝

Interlinked two spinboxes
We will create two interlinked Tkinter Spinbox widgets that allow the user to select a range of values, we'll set up the first Spinbox to control the minimum value and the second to control the maximum value of the range.

The key here is to ensure that the value in the first Spinbox (min value) is always less than or equal to the value in the second Spinbox (max value). Similarly the value in second Spinbox is always greater than or equal to value in first Spinbox.
Two interlinked spinboxes for dynamic range selection with Lower and upper limits to generate query
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("620x350")  # Size of the window 
my_w.title("")  # Adding a title

font1=('Times',84,'bold') # Higher font for Spinbox 
font2=('Times',34,'normal') # Higher font for Label text 

def my_upd():
    sb2.config(from_=sb1.get()) # set lower limit for second Spinbox
    sb1.config(to=sb2.get())    # set upper limit for first Spinbox 
    lb1.config(text='BETWEEEN ' + sb1.get() + ' AND ' + sb2.get()) # Label text

v1=tk.IntVar(value=10) #  for first Spinbox 
sb1 = tk.Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 100,width=3,textvariable=v1,

v2=tk.IntVar(value=20) # for second Spinbox 
sb2 = tk.Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 100,width=3,textvariable=v2,

lb1=tk.Label(my_w,text='Query here',font=font2, bg='lightblue',width=20)
lb1.grid(row=2,column=1,columnspan=2,padx=30, pady=20)

my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

In this example, we initially used the command parameter to trigger the function, but this approach only captures changes when the up and down arrows are used. If the user directly types a value in the Spinbox, the function does not automatically respond, causing the update or validation to fail.

To solve this, we can bind specific events instead of relying solely on command. By using events like <KeyRelease> and <FocusOut>, we can ensure that the function is triggered whenever the user makes changes, whether by typing or using the arrows.

Use any one pair of events here.
# Binding events to ensure updates for typed changes
sb1.bind("<FocusOut>", my_upd)
sb2.bind("<FocusOut>", my_upd)
#sb1.bind("<KeyRelease>", my_upd)
#sb2.bind("<KeyRelease>", my_upd)

Also, remember to update the function to dynamically adjust the Spinbox ranges based on user input:

def my_upd(*args):
    sb2.config(from_=sb1.get())  # Sets the lower limit for the second Spinbox
    sb1.config(to=sb2.get())     # Sets the upper limit for the first Spinbox
    lb1.config(text='BETWEEN ' + sb1.get() + ' AND ' + sb2.get())  # Updates label text

With this setup, the function will run anytime the value changes, keeping the Spinbox values in sync and the display updated regardless of input method.

Understanding Events while using Spinbox 🔝

  • <FocusOut>: Triggered when the Spinbox loses focus.
  • <FocusIn>: Triggered when the Spinbox gains focus.
  • <Return> or <Enter>: Triggered when the Enter key is pressed while the Spinbox is in focus.
  • <ButtonRelease>: Triggered when the user releases a mouse button (often used with Button-1, Button-2, etc., for specific buttons).
  • <KeyRelease>: Triggered when any key is released while the Spinbox is in focus (useful for checking the value after every keystroke).
More on Tkinter Events

Using the command Parameter

The command parameter can call a function every time the value is updated by the user (through the up/down arrows). It’s helpful when you want a change to trigger the update but doesn’t respond to direct typing changes.

Dynamic Spinbox Interlinking Using the FocusOut Event 🔝

Using FocusOut Event to interlink two Spinboxes
This Tkinter program creates a simple GUI with two interlinked Spinbox widgets, allowing users to select a country and then view a list of states corresponding to that country. A dictionary stores each country as a key with its states as values. When a country is selected, the update_states function updates the state_spinbox to display the relevant states. The interface includes labels for each Spinbox, and the layout is managed using the grid system. This approach provides an interactive way to dynamically adjust the Spinbox options based on the user’s selection.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk() # parent window 
root.geometry("410x300") # width and height of window 
root.title("Country and State Selector") 

font1=('Times',24,'bold') # Higher font for Spinbox 
font2=('Times',24,'normal') # Higher font for Label text

# Dictionary with countries as keys and lists of states as values
country_states = {
    "USA": ["California", "Texas", "New York", "Florida", "Illinois"],
    "India": ["Maharashtra", "Gujarat", "Tamil Nadu", "West Bengal", "Punjab"],
    "Canada": ["Ontario", "Quebec", "Alberta", "British Columbia", "Manitoba"],
    "Australia": ["New South Wales", "Victoria", "Queensland", "Tasmania", "Western Australia"],
    "Brazil": ["São Paulo", "Rio de Janeiro", "Bahia", "Paraná", "Minas Gerais"]

def update_states(*args):
    # Get the selected country and update the states Spinbox values
    selected_country = country_spinbox.get()
    state_spinbox.config(values=country_states[selected_country]) # update with new value

# Label and Spinbox for Country Selection
country_label = tk.Label(root, text="Country:",font=font2)
country_label.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=3, pady=5, sticky="e")
country_spinbox = tk.Spinbox(root, values=list(country_states.keys()), 
        width=7,font=font1,bg='pink', command=update_states)
country_spinbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=1, pady=5,sticky="w")

# Label and Spinbox for State Selection
state_label = tk.Label(root, text="State:",font=font2)
state_label.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=3, pady=15, sticky="e")
state_spinbox = tk.Spinbox(root, values=country_states["USA"], 
        width=16,font=font1,bg='lightgreen')  # Default to USA states
state_spinbox.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=1, pady=15,sticky="w")

# Link country Spinbox change to update_states function
country_spinbox.bind("<FocusOut>", update_states)  # Update when focus leaves the Spinbox


Dynamic Spinbox Validation with Real-Time Feedback 🔝

Validating user input
This Tkinter program creates a Spinbox that only accepts numeric input, providing instant feedback with color changes: green for valid entries and red for invalid ones. Using the validate and validatecommand options, the Spinbox triggers a function on each key press, updating the background color dynamically based on the input’s validity. This enhances user experience by visually indicating valid and invalid inputs in real time.
More on Tkinter Validation
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk() # parent window
my_w.geometry("300x200") # width height
my_w.title("Spinbox Validation Example")
font1 = ('Times', 24, 'bold')  # Higher font for Spinbox

def validate_input(new_value):
    # Check if the input is a digit or empty (allows clearing the input)
    if new_value.isdigit() or new_value == "":
        # Set background to green after successful validation
        my_w.after(1, lambda: spinbox.config(bg='lightgreen'))
        return True
        # Set background to red if validation fails
        my_w.after(1, lambda: spinbox.config(bg='red'))
        return False
# Register the validate function with Tkinter
vcmd = (my_w.register(validate_input), '%P')

# Label for Spinbox
label = tk.Label(my_w, text="Number:", font=font1)
label.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky="e")

# Spinbox with validation to accept only numeric input
spinbox = tk.Spinbox(my_w, from_=0, to=100, validate="key", 
	width=5, font=font1, validatecommand=vcmd)
spinbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=10)


Adding new options / values 🔝

When we used from_ and to to add a range, we can change these values by using config()
sb1.config(from_=40,to=50) # starting from 40 to 50
When we are using values option we can change by using list insert()
my_list.insert(5,'Six') # added option six at index position 5

Inter connecting Spinbox and Scale widgets 🔝

We can add one horizontal scrollbar by using one Scale widget. Here both are connected so changes in any one will reflect in both.
We used one common StringVar sv here.
Connected Scale and Spinbox
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
my_w = tk.Tk()

sv = StringVar() #string variable 
sb = Spinbox(my_w,textvariable=sv,font=font1,

sc = Scale(my_w, from_=0, to=100, font=font1,

my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Options 🔝

activebackgroundColor of the slider when Mouse is over it.
bgColor of the slider and arrowheads when Mouse is NOT over it.
bdBorder width of the widget
commandWhen state is changed call the function. ( Example above )
bdBorder width of the widget
cursorShape of the cursor while moving over the Spinbox ( List of cursor shapes )
disabledbackgroundBackground color when it is disabled
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,
disabledforegroundForeground color when it is disabled
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,
fontFont family size style
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,
fgForeground colour
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,fg='blue')
formatFormat the display, showing decimal place or starting with zero etc.
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 00, to = 60,format='%02.02f')
from_Start value of Spinbox, check examples above.
incrementStep value of change when we use the arrow buttons.
justifyAlignment of text inside. ( left , center, right )
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 60,justify='right')
reliefBorder style, ( raised, sunken,flat,ridge,solid,groove ) Check the Button for sample images
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 60,relief='solid')
statestate of Spinbox , ( disabled, normal, readonly) Check the examples above
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 60,state='disabled')
validateWhen to Validate the input ( none,focus,focusin,focusout,key,all)
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 60,validate='key')
validatecommandCallback function to execute validation
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,
More on input Validation
toEnd value of Spinbox, check examples above.
repeatdelayDelay in changing value when you press the Up or down arrow and holding it ( for first time ) in milliseconds
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w,from_=0,to=100,repeatdelay=4000)
What is the difference between repeatdelay and repeatinterval ?
repeatintervalDelay in changing value in each step when you press the Up or down arrow and holding it in milliseconds
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w,from_=0,to =100,repeatinterval=3000)
Why in this code the first change is not matching with repeatinterval of 3 sec ? Try to add repeatdelay and see the difference
xscrollcommandUsed with set method of scrollbar
wrapBoolean, default value is False. If it is set to True then value starts ( repeat ) from lower limit ( from_) after the maximum value ( to ) is reached.
sb1 = Spinbox(my_w, from_= 0, to = 10,wrap=True)
widthControl the width of the spinbox ( examples above)
vcmdSee validatecommand above
valuesThe options we can add, see examples above (sb2)
textvariableThe variable to connect to the widget, check the examples above where we used t2 the StrVariable to sb2

Displaying incremental data based on timer with step value & upper limit in Entry widget of Tkinter

Projects using Spinbox 🔝

  1. Display two Spinboxes showing numbers and on click of a button display the sum of the selected numbers.
  2. Collect all student names from MySQL table and display them using Spinbox. On submit of a button display full details of the selected record ( student ).

Questions 🔝

MySQL , SQLite,CSV and Json data is used to add options for Spinbox
Dynamically managing Spinboxes
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