import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_excel("D:\\my_data\\tk-colours.xlsx") # Path of the file.
my_list=df['Name'].values.tolist() # list as data source
# data source is ready ## Start the Tkinter code
import tkinter as tk
import re # import regular expression library
from tkinter import END
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("410x400") # Size of the window
my_w.title("") # Adding a title
font1=('Times',24,'bold') # font size and style
l0=tk.Label(text='Autocomplete',font=font1) # adding label at top
def my_upd(my_widget): # On selection of option
my_w1 = my_widget.widget
index = int(my_w1.curselection()[0]) # position of selection
value = my_w1.get(index) # selected value
e1_str.set(value) # set value for string variable of Entry
l1.delete(0,END) # Delete all elements of Listbox
def my_down(my_widget): # down arrow is clicked
l1.focus() # move focus to Listbox
l1.selection_set(0) # select the first option
e1_str=tk.StringVar() # string variable
e1=tk.Entry(my_w,textvariable=e1_str,font=font1) # entry
# listbox
l1 = tk.Listbox(my_w,height=6,font=font1,relief='flat',
bg='SystemButtonFace',highlightcolor= 'SystemButtonFace')
def get_data(*args): # populate the Listbox with matching options
search_str=e1.get() # user entered string
l1.delete(0,END) # Delete all elements of Listbox
for element in my_list:
l1.insert(tk.END,element)#add matching options to Listbox
#l1.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', my_upd)
e1.bind('<Down>', my_down) # down arrow key is pressed
l1.bind('<Right>', my_upd) # right arrow key is pressed
l1.bind('<Return>', my_upd)# return key is pressed
e1_str.trace('w',get_data) #
#print(my_w['bg']) # reading background colour of window
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open