Sin & cos Curves in Canvas

Filled sin curve in Canvas

Drawing sin and cos curves on Tkinter Canvas

How to draw curves in canvas ?

This is a filled curve where each step one line is drawn from x axis to the curve.
y2 is the point on the curve.
Vertical line is drawn from from x axis to the curve point.
l1=c1.create_line(x1, y1, x1,y2,fill='red',width=1)
Full code is here
import tkinter as tkimport mathmy_w = tk.Tk()width,height=410,210 # set the variables c_width,c_height=width-10,height-10 # canvas width heightd=str(width)+"x"+str(height)my_w.geometry(d) 
c1 = tk.Canvas(my_w, width=c_width, height=c_height,bg='lightgreen')c1.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,columnspan=3)
speed=10 # in milliseconds, delay timmer, drawing speed
x1,y1=5,int(c_height/2)h=y1-10 # gap from curve top to canvas edge in_degree=0 # starting angle 
def my_draw():    global in_degree,x1,y1    in_degree=in_degree+1    in_redian = math.radians(in_degree)    y2=y1-h*math.sin(in_redian)    #y2=(h+10)-h*math.cos(in_redian)    l1=c1.create_line(x1, y1, x1,y2,fill='red',width=1)       if (x1<width-10): # check the right edge        x1=x1+1        c1.after(speed,my_draw)    else:        return    

Drawing along the curve

cos curve in Canvas
We can draw the curve by shifting the x1,y1 value to x2,y2 value.
import tkinter as tkimport mathmy_w = tk.Tk()width,height=410,210 # set the variables c_width,c_height=width-10,height-10 # canvas width heightd=str(width)+"x"+str(height)my_w.geometry(d) c1 = tk.Canvas(my_w, width=c_width, height=c_height,bg='lightgreen')c1.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,columnspan=3)speed=10 # in milliseconds, delay timmer x1,y1=5,int(c_height/2)h=y1-10  # gap between canvas top edge and curve top c1.create_line(x1,y1,c_width-5,y1,arrow='last') # x Axis c1.create_line(x1,y1,x1,10,arrow='last') # Y  Axis 
in_degree=0 # starting angle def my_draw():    global in_degree,x1,y1    in_degree=in_degree+1    in_redian = math.radians(in_degree)    y2=(h+10)-h*math.sin(in_redian) # sin  curve     #y2=(h+10)-h*math.cos(in_redian) #  cos curve     x2=x1+0.5  # increasing x value      l1=c1.create_line(x1, y1, x2,y2,fill='red',width=2)       if (x2<c_width-5): # check the right edge        x1,y1=x2,y2        c1.after(speed,my_draw)    else:        return    my_draw()my_w.mainloop()
By changing this line we can get sin curve
y2=(h+10)-h*math.sin(in_redian) # sin  curve #y2=(h+10)-h*math.cos(in_redian) #  cos curve 
sin courve in Canvas

Both sin and cos curves in same canvas

sin and cos curves in Canvas
import tkinter as tk
import math
my_w = tk.Tk()
width,height=410,210 # set the variables c_width,c_height=width-10,height-10 # canvas width heightd=str(width)+"x"+str(height)my_w.geometry(d) 
c1 = tk.Canvas(my_w, width=c_width, height=c_height,bg='lightgreen')c1.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,columnspan=3)
speed=10 # in milliseconds, delay timmer x1,z1,y1=5,5,int(c_height/2)h=y1-10 # gap from curve top to canvas edge 
c1.create_line(x1,y1,c_width-5,y1,arrow='last') # x Axis 
c1.create_line(x1,y1,x1,5,arrow='last') # Y  Axis in_degree=0def my_draw():    global in_degree,x1,y1,z1    in_degree=in_degree+1    in_redian = math.radians(in_degree)    y2=(h+10)-h*math.cos(in_redian) # cos curve     z2=(h+10)-h*math.sin(in_redian) # sin curve     x2=x1+0.5  # X axis steps     l1=c1.create_line(x1, y1, x2,y2,fill='red',width=1)       l2=c1.create_line(x1, z1, x2,z2,fill='blue',width=1)       if (x2<c_width-10): # check the right edge        x1=x2        y1=y2        z1=z2        c1.after(speed,my_draw)    else:        return    my_draw()
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