Displaying records from MySQL table

Connect to MySQL database display rows from MySQL.
Display records from MySQL Student table in Tkinter window.
MySQL database records in Tkinter window

Display ten records of student table of MySQL database on Tkinter window using SELECT & LIMIT Query

TreeviewDisplaying records from MySQL database in Tkinter window using Treeview
DeleteDeleting selected row from MySQL table and Treeview
PaginationPagination of records from MySQL table using Treeview
PagingPagination of records of MySQL table using Tkinter window
record displayDisplaying record in a Tkinter window by taking user input as row id
record updateSelect-Edit-Update row by using Treeview
Image displayDisplaying Binary data from MySQL Blob column.
Image displayDisplaying all records with Images from MySQL Blob column.
Image addInserting uploaded image to Blob column of MySQL table
Image addAdding data to student table with Photo using Blob column of MySQL table
Image UpdateUpdating user uploaded image in MySQL Blob column
record addAdding user entered data through Tkinter window to MySQL table
LoginSystem for Login with add user and listing users with delete option
RandomDisplay Random record from MySQL or SQLite Database.
Ticket No.Generate unique string id using date after inserting record

Connect to MySQL database

We connected to MySQL database by using our userid, password and database name. You can update your MySQL login details here.
import mysql.connector  # Importing the MySQL connector library

my_connect = mysql.connector.connect(
  host="localhost",  # Hostname of the MySQL server
  user="userid",     # MySQL username
  passwd="password", # MySQL password
  database="database_name" # Name of the database to connect
####### end of connection ####

my_conn = my_connect.cursor()  # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
We will use my_conn in our further script as the connection object to get our records.

We will use Query with LIMIT to collect 10 records from the student table.

By using LIMIT Query we are restricting our number of records by getting 10 records only from MySQL database. You can change this figure to get different number of records from the database.

Note that MySQL database executes the query part only and return us one result set. This result set contains all our (10) records.
We used the returned MySQLCursor i.e my_conn as an iterator

We will use one for loop to collect each row of record from the data set. Each row of data ( here student ) is a tuple. So we used another for loop to display each element of this tuple.

While printing the elements of student ( a tuple ) no line break is added and once the printing of one row of data is completed ( without any line break ) then outside the for loop one line break is added by using print()
my_conn = my_connect.cursor()  # Create a cursor object for executing SQL queries

my_conn.execute("SELECT * FROM student limit 0,10")  # Execute the SQL query to fetch 10 rows
i = 0  # Initialize row counter

for student in my_conn:  # Iterate through the result set
    for j in range(len(student)):  # Iterate through each column in a row
        print(student[j], end='')  # Print column value without line break
    i = i + 1  # Increment the row counter
    print()  # Line break at the end of one row
This will print 10 rows of records from student table.

Using tkinter

We will use one tkinter entry component to display each data in the window. In this variable student is a tuple and it contains one row of data. We used variable i as index for each row and variable j as each column of data.
The full code is here , Change the userid,password and database name of your MySQL database.
import mysql.connector
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *

my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("400x250")  # width and height of the window

my_connect = mysql.connector.connect(
  host="localhost",  # Database host
  user="id",      # Database user
  passwd="password",    # Database password
  database="my_db"  # Database name

my_conn = my_connect.cursor()  # Cursor for executing queries
####### end of connection ####

my_conn.execute("SELECT * FROM student limit 0,10")
i = 0

for student in my_conn:
    for j in range(len(student)):
        e = Entry(my_w, width=10, fg='blue')
        e.grid(row=i, column=j)
        e.insert(END, student[j])
    i = i + 1


Using SQLAlchemy

We can use SQLAlchemy library to manage MySQL database. Here is the same code using SQLAlchemy. Connection part is highlighted. Here also you have to change your MySQL login details like userid, password and database name.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text

my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_db")
my_conn = my_conn.connect()  # connection object, connection string

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *

my_w = tk.Tk()  # parent window
my_w.geometry("400x250")  # width and height of window

####### end of connection ####

r_set = my_conn.execute(text("SELECT * FROM student limit 0,10"))
i = 0

for student in r_set:
    for j in range(len(student)):
        e = Entry(my_w, width=10, fg='blue')
        e.grid(row=i, column=j)
        e.insert(END, student[j])
    i = i + 1

Using Label in place of Entry in above code.
for student in r_set: 
    for j in range(len(student)):
        e = Label(my_w,width=10, text=student[j]) 
        e.grid(row=i, column=j) 
        #e.insert(END, student[j])
We can add border to each cell by using borderwidth=2, relief='ridge' and align the text to left by using anchor='w'.
e = Label(my_w,width=10, text=student[j],
	borderwidth=2,relief='ridge', anchor="w") 
Showing MySQL records using Label in Tkinter window

Adding column headers

Displaying MySQL records & adding border with alignment and showing column names as header

Note that if column header row is starting from first row ( row=0 ) then i value has to start from 1. We are using Labels to add one row with five columns. Use this code before the for loop.
records with column hdeader
e=Label(my_w,width=10,text='id',borderwidth=2, relief='ridge',anchor='w',bg='yellow')
e=Label(my_w,width=10,text='Name',borderwidth=2, relief='ridge',anchor='w',bg='yellow')
e=Label(my_w,width=10,text='Class',borderwidth=2, relief='ridge',anchor='w',bg='yellow')
e=Label(my_w,width=10,text='mark',borderwidth=2, relief='ridge',anchor='w',bg='yellow')
e=Label(my_w,width=10,text='Gender',borderwidth=2, relief='ridge',anchor='w',bg='yellow')

Using MySQL or SQLite

Displaying record based on user entered data
Create one OptionMenu with option values taken from MySQL database table

View and Download tkinter-mysql ipynb file ( .html format )

Displaying MySQL records using Treeview

Pagination of records

If you have more records to display then you can break the total records in parts and display fixed number of records.
Tutorial on Paging script Select -Edit-update MySQL Product table using Treeview
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    Thanks a lot...Loved it!! It works for me!


    Thanks a lot


    Hey, your code is working very well. Thank You so much. But there is one query. Every time the table is displayed in the Tk() window it goes to the top left corner. What is to be done if i want it somewhere in the middle?


    Here 450 and 350 are x and y position. You can change this value to position it at different locations. You can further improve it by reading user screen resolution and then apply it to dynamically position the window by changing these values.


    Don't use space while adding values to geometry().
    This will not work
    my_w.geometry('400x250 + 450 + 350')


    thank you soo much !!!!!!!!!!!!


    this is working very well for me,
    how do I make the labels update each time I make a change to the database?
    thank you


    You have to refresh the view to reflect the changes. Here we are using grid view so there is a way to refresh the grid view. Grid view details are here,

    use grid_forget() to remove than and create again.

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