Sorting columns of Tkinter Treeview using Pandas DataFrame

Sorting Treeview column using Pandas DataFrame
Use the read_excel() method to create a Pandas Dataframe. We will use sort_values() to sort any selected column of the Treeview.

import pandas as pd  # Pandas library 
df = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx')  # create DataFrame 
Displaying Pandas DataFrame in Tkinter Treeview

Sorting Tkinter Treeview columns in ascending or descending order using Pandas DataFrame Part I


Using the DataFrame df, this function creates column names l1 and creates a list of rows as r_set.
    global df 
    l1=list(df) # List of column names as headers 
    r_set=df.to_numpy().tolist() # Create list of list using rows 
Then the Treeview is added and on click of header the function my_sort(i) is called, here the name of the column i is passed as parameter.
All rows of DataFrame is inserted to Treeview by looping.
def my_disp():
    global df 
    l1=list(df) # List of column names as headers 
    r_set=df.to_numpy().tolist() # Create list of list using rows 
    trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse',
    for col in l1:
        trv.column(col, width = 100, anchor ='c')
        trv.heading(col, text =col,command=lambda col=col :my_sort(col))

    ## Adding data to treeview 
    for dt in r_set:  
        v=[r for r in dt] # creating a list from each row 
        trv.insert("",'end',iid=v[0],values=v) # adding row


This function receives the ( user clicked ) column name as parameter. To set the option ascending we will use the global variable order. Each time this function is called the value of the Boolean variable order is changed to True or False. This is done to toggle the sorting order from ascending to descending and vice versa

The dataframe is sorted by using the sort_values() method and the new DataFrame df is used to crate the Fresh view by calling my_disp().
def my_sort(col):
    global df,order 
    if order:
        order=False # set ascending value
    my_disp() # refresh the Treeview 
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
# Creating tkinter my_w
my_w = tk.Tk()
# Using Pandas DataFrame as data source
import pandas as pd  # Pandas library 
df = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx')  # create dataframe 

order=True # To set the sorting to ascending or descending
def my_disp():
    global df 
    l1=list(df) # List of column names as headers 
    r_set=df.to_numpy().tolist() # Create list of list using rows 
    trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse',
    for col in l1:
        trv.column(col, width = 100, anchor ='c')
        trv.heading(col, text =col,command=lambda col=col :my_sort(col))

    ## Adding data to treeview 
    for dt in r_set:  
        v=[r for r in dt] # creating a list from each row 
        trv.insert("",'end',iid=v[0],values=v) # adding row
def my_sort(col):
    global df,order 
    if order:
        order=False # set ascending value
    my_disp() # refresh the Treeview 

Browse and select file

Browse and select file to sort
We can give option to user to browse local system and select Excel ( or CSV : Comma Separated Values ) file for creating the DataFrame. Here we have used Filedialog to create the dialog box for user to select file.
def browse_file(): # user selection of file to create dataframe
    global df # access the dataframe
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename() # show file dialog
    if file: # user selected one file
       df = pd.read_excel(file)  # create dataframe  
       l1_path.config(text=file) # display the selected file path
    else: # user cancel the file browser window
        l1_path.config(text='No file is selected')
One button b1 is provided to trigger the function browse_file() and select the file. Label l1_path is used to display the path with file name the user has selected for creating the DataFrame. To display the path on the Label l1_path we used config().
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog

my_w = tk.Tk()

import pandas as pd  # Pandas library 
#df = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx')  # create dataframe 
order=True # To set the sorting to ascending or descending

df = pd.DataFrame() # empty DataFrame object
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Select File', bg='lightgreen',
   width=20,command = lambda:browse_file())

def browse_file(): # user selection of file to create dataframe
    global df # access the dataframe
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename() # show file dialog
    if file: # user selected one file
       df = pd.read_excel(file)  # create dataframe  
       l1_path.config(text=file) # display the selected file path
    else: # user cancel the file browser window
        l1_path.config(text='No file is selected')

def my_disp(): # display the Treeview with data
    global df 
    l1=list(df) # List of column names as headers 
    r_set=df.to_numpy().tolist() # Create list of list using rows 
    trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse',
    for col in l1:
        trv.column(col, width = 100, anchor ='w')
        trv.heading(col, text =col,command=lambda col=col :my_sort(col))

    ## Adding data to treeview 
    for dt in r_set:  
        v=[r for r in dt] # creating a list from each row 
        trv.insert("",'end',iid=v[0],values=v) # adding row

def my_sort(col): # Update the dataframe after sorting
    global df,order 
    if order:
        order=False # set ascending value
    my_disp() # refresh the Treeview 


Adding Vertical Scrollbar and showing DataFrame details

Scrollbar with rows and columns
We can add one Label l1_dtl to show the number of rows and columns of the DataFrame df by using shape. Here to display the details we will be using config() to update the text option of the Label.
l1_dlt.config(text= "Rows:"+str(df.shape[0])+" Cols:"+str(df.shape[1]))
Vertical Scrollbar can be added while displaying the rows in Treeview. This code to be included inside my_disp() to show the Scrollbar
def my_disp(): # display the Treeview with data
    global df 
    l1=list(df) # List of column names as headers 
    r_set=df.to_numpy().tolist() # Create list of list using rows 
    trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse',
    for col in l1:
        trv.column(col, width = 100, anchor ='w')
        trv.heading(col, text =col,command=lambda col=col :my_sort(col))

    ## Adding data to treeview 
    for dt in r_set:  
        v=[r for r in dt] # creating a list from each row 
        trv.insert("",'end',iid=v[0],values=v) # adding row
    l1_dlt.config(text= "Rows:"+str(df.shape[0])+" Cols:"+str(df.shape[1]))
    vs = ttk.Scrollbar(my_w,orient="vertical", command=trv.yview)#V Scrollbar
    trv.configure(yscrollcommand=vs.set)  # connect to Treeview
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog

my_w = tk.Tk()

import pandas as pd  # Pandas library 
#df = pd.read_excel('D:\student.xlsx')  # create dataframe 
order=True # To set the sorting to ascending or descending

df = pd.DataFrame() # empty DataFrame object
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Select File', bg='lightgreen',
   width=20,command = lambda:browse_file())


def browse_file(): # user selection of file to create dataframe
    global df # access the dataframe
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename() # show file dialog
    if file: # user selected one file
       df = pd.read_excel(file)  # create dataframe  
       l1_path.config(text=file) # display the selected file path
    else: # user cancel the file browser window
        l1_path.config(text='No file is selected')

def my_disp(): # display the Treeview with data
    global df 
    l1=list(df) # List of column names as headers 
    r_set=df.to_numpy().tolist() # Create list of list using rows 
    trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse',
    for col in l1:
        trv.column(col, width = 100, anchor ='w')
        trv.heading(col, text =col,command=lambda col=col :my_sort(col))

    ## Adding data to treeview 
    for dt in r_set:  
        v=[r for r in dt] # creating a list from each row 
        trv.insert("",'end',iid=v[0],values=v) # adding row
    l1_dlt.config(text= "Rows:"+str(df.shape[0])+" Cols:"+str(df.shape[1]))
    vs = ttk.Scrollbar(my_w,orient="vertical", command=trv.yview)#V Scrollbar
    trv.configure(yscrollcommand=vs.set)  # connect to Treeview
def my_sort(col): # Update the dataframe after sorting
    global df,order 
    if order:
        order=False # set ascending value
    my_disp() # refresh the Treeview 

Part I : Searching DataFrame and displaying result in Treeview
Part III : Selection Columns of DataFrame using CheckButtons
Browsing directory and displaying file details with sorting using Treeview
Projects in Tkinter
Create Pandas DataFrame by reading Google Analytics csv file from Tkinter GUI Search DataFrame by user inputs through Tkinter.
Tkinter Projects Projects Tkinter using Pandas DataFrame

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