Displaying random record from Database

Connection to Database

Use proper path ( for SQLite database ) or use userid and password for MySQL database.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_tutorial")
#my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///G:\\testing\\my_db\\my_db.db")#SQLite 
Here my_conn is used inside the script, so based on the database used, one of the lines to be used in above code.
Connection to SQLite database
Connection to MySQL database

Query to get Random records from student table.

Showing non-repeating random records in Tkinter window from MySQL or SQLite database table

Use one of the two lines below based on the database used.
#q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 0,1"#SQlite
q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1"#MySQL
Code to display random record on Tkinter

Random record from Database
import tkinter  as tk 
from tkinter import * 
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("400x250") # width and height of the window
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_tutorial")
#q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1"#MySQL
### SQLite #####
my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///E:\\testing\\my_db\\my_db.db") #SQLite 
q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 0,1"#SQlite
for student in data_row: 

On button click show record

Random record from Database on Button click

On every click of the button one random record is displayed.
import tkinter  as tk 
from tkinter import * 
my_w = tk.Tk()
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_tutorial")
#q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1"#MySQL
### SQLite #####
my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///E:\\testing\\my_db\\my_db.db") #SQLite 
q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 0,1"#SQlite
####### end of connection ####
def my_display(): # to show random record
    for w in my_w.grid_slaves(2): #  
        w.grid_forget()  # remove all elements of 2nd row 
    for student in data_row: 

Getting random record without repeating

As we are getting records from Database and each time one random row from the full list is collected, there is always chance that record will be repeated from the list.

To make it one time only we will update one more column of the table by True or False to indicate that the record is returned or not.
Boolean Data in Tinyint(1) column
The query is here.
q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 0,1"#SQlite
#q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1"#MySQL
Once the record is returned, the same record status column will be set to True to prevent its appearance again. Here based on the id column value we are setting the status to 1 ( True ).
'UPDATE student2 set status=1 WHERE id='+ str(data_row[0])
For this script we have used student2 table which has one additional column status to hold the boolean value.
import tkinter  as tk 
from tkinter import * 
my_w = tk.Tk()
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://id:pw@localhost/my_tutorial")
#q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1"#MySQL
### SQLite #####
my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///E:\\testing\\my_db\\my_db.db") #SQLite 
q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 0,1"#SQlite
####### end of connection ####
def my_display(): # to show random record
    [w.grid_forget() for w in my_w.grid_slaves(2)] # remove all previous data
    if data_row: # Once the data is collected ( not None )
        my_conn.execute('UPDATE student2 set status=1 WHERE id='+ str(data_row[0]))
        for student in data_row: 
    else: # No record is available to show 
        my_label=tk.Label(my_w,text='No more records',font=20)

Reset records

Reset all records
To reset all rows with status=False
UPDATE student2 SET status=False
We may provide one Reset Button to update the status of all the records to False to make it ready for next round of random record collection.
def my_reset():
    my_conn.execute('UPDATE student2 set status=0' )
    my_label=tk.Label(my_w,text='Records Resetted',font=20)
Here is the full code with Reset record button
import tkinter  as tk 
from tkinter import * 
my_w = tk.Tk()
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://root:test@localhost/my_tutorial")
#q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1"#MySQL
########## SQLite #####
my_conn = create_engine("sqlite:///E:\\testing\\my_db\\my_db.db") #SQLite 
q="SELECT id,name,class,mark,gender FROM student2 WHERE status=False ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 0,1"#SQlite
####### end of connection ####


def my_display(): # to show random record
    [w.grid_forget() for w in my_w.grid_slaves(2)] # remove all previous data
    if data_row: # Once the data is collected ( not None )
        my_conn.execute('UPDATE student2 set status=1 WHERE id='+ str(data_row[0]))
        i=0 # to increment column value         
        for student in data_row: 
            i=i+1 # Next column number 
    else: # No record is available to show 
        my_label=tk.Label(my_w,text='No more record',font=20)
def my_reset():
    my_conn.execute('UPDATE student2 set status=0' ) # for all records update status
    [w.grid_forget() for w in my_w.grid_slaves(2)] # remove all previous data
    my_label=tk.Label(my_w,text='Records Resetted',font=20)

Creating student2 table with data

Structure of the student2 table
CREATE TABLE `student2` (
  `id` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `name` varchar(50)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `class` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `mark` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `gender` varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'male',
  `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
Adding data to table
INSERT INTO `student2` (`id`, `name`, `class`, `mark`, `gender`, `status`) VALUES
(1, 'John Deo', 'Four', 75, 'female', 0),
(2, 'Max Ruin', 'Three', 85, 'male', 0),
(3, 'Arnold', 'Three', 55, 'male', 0),
(4, 'Krish Star', 'Four', 60, 'female', 0),
(5, 'John Mike', 'Four', 60, 'female', 0),
(6, 'Alex John', 'Four', 55, 'male', 0),
(7, 'My John Rob', 'Five', 78, 'male', 0),
(8, 'Asruid', 'Five', 85, 'male', 0),
(9, 'Tes Qry', 'Six', 78, 'male', 0),
(10, 'Big John', 'Four', 55, 'female', 0),
(11, 'Ronald', 'Six', 89, 'female', 0),
(12, 'Recky', 'Six', 94, 'female', 0),
(13, 'Kty', 'Seven', 88, 'female', 0),
(14, 'Bigy', 'Seven', 88, 'female', 0),
(15, 'Tade Row', 'Four', 88, 'male', 0),
(16, 'Gimmy', 'Four', 88, 'male', 0),
(17, 'Tumyu', 'Six', 54, 'male', 0),
(18, 'Honny', 'Five', 75, 'male', 0),
(19, 'Tinny', 'Nine', 18, 'male', 0),
(20, 'Jackly', 'Nine', 65, 'female', 0),
(21, 'Babby John', 'Four', 69, 'female', 0),
(22, 'Reggid', 'Seven', 55, 'female', 0),
(23, 'Herod', 'Eight', 79, 'male', 0),
(24, 'Tiddy Now', 'Seven', 78, 'male', 0),
(25, 'Giff Tow', 'Seven', 88, 'male', 0),
(26, 'Crelea', 'Seven', 79, 'male', 0),
(27, 'Big Nose', 'Three', 81, 'female', 0),
(28, 'Rojj Base', 'Seven', 86, 'female', 0),
(29, 'Tess Played', 'Seven', 55, 'male', 0),
(30, 'Reppy Red', 'Six', 79, 'female', 0),
(31, 'Marry Toeey', 'Four', 88, 'male', 0),
(32, 'Binn Rott', 'Seven', 90, 'female', 0),
(33, 'Kenn Rein', 'Six', 96, 'female', 0),
(34, 'Gain Toe', 'Seven', 69, 'male', 0),
(35, 'Rows Noump', 'Six', 88, 'female', 0),
(39, '', '', 0, 'Female', 0);
Full code to create SQLite database with student2 table
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

path="sqlite:///E:\\testing\\my_db\\my_db_random.db" # Update path

my_conn = create_engine(path) #SQLite 
my_conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `student2` ( \
  `id` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
  `name` varchar(50)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\
  `class` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\
  `mark` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
  `gender` varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'male',\
  `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0\

my_conn.execute("INSERT INTO `student2` (`id`, `name`, `class`, `mark`, `gender`, `status`) VALUES\
(1, 'John Deo', 'Four', 75, 'female', 0),\
(2, 'Max Ruin', 'Three', 85, 'male', 0),\
(3, 'Arnold', 'Three', 55, 'male', 0),\
(4, 'Krish Star', 'Four', 60, 'female', 0),\
(5, 'John Mike', 'Four', 60, 'female', 0),\
(6, 'Alex John', 'Four', 55, 'male', 0),\
(7, 'My John Rob', 'Five', 78, 'male', 0),\
(8, 'Asruid', 'Five', 85, 'male', 0),\
(9, 'Tes Qry', 'Six', 78, 'male', 0),\
(10, 'Big John', 'Four', 55, 'female', 0),\
(11, 'Ronald', 'Six', 89, 'female', 0),\
(12, 'Recky', 'Six', 94, 'female', 0),\
(13, 'Kty', 'Seven', 88, 'female', 0),\
(14, 'Bigy', 'Seven', 88, 'female', 0),\
(15, 'Tade Row', 'Four', 88, 'male', 0),\
(16, 'Gimmy', 'Four', 88, 'male', 0),\
(17, 'Tumyu', 'Six', 54, 'male', 0),\
(18, 'Honny', 'Five', 75, 'male', 0),\
(19, 'Tinny', 'Nine', 18, 'male', 0),\
(20, 'Jackly', 'Nine', 65, 'female', 0),\
(21, 'Babby John', 'Four', 69, 'female', 0),\
(22, 'Reggid', 'Seven', 55, 'female', 0),\
(23, 'Herod', 'Eight', 79, 'male', 0),\
(24, 'Tiddy Now', 'Seven', 78, 'male', 0),\
(25, 'Giff Tow', 'Seven', 88, 'male', 0),\
(26, 'Crelea', 'Seven', 79, 'male', 0),\
(27, 'Big Nose', 'Three', 81, 'female', 0),\
(28, 'Rojj Base', 'Seven', 86, 'female', 0),\
(29, 'Tess Played', 'Seven', 55, 'male', 0),\
(30, 'Reppy Red', 'Six', 79, 'female', 0),\
(31, 'Marry Toeey', 'Four', 88, 'male', 0),\
(32, 'Binn Rott', 'Seven', 90, 'female', 0),\
(33, 'Kenn Rein', 'Six', 96, 'female', 0),\
(34, 'Gain Toe', 'Seven', 69, 'male', 0),\
(35, 'Rows Noump', 'Six', 88, 'female', 0),\
(39, '', '', 0, 'Female', 0)")

display rows from MySQL.
Download my_db_random.db file with student2 table
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