Font family size and style in tkinter Text

Text font managing from menu bar

Tkinter managing font family, size and style of text widget from menu bar

my_font_family(f_type)Receives font family name and set it
my_font_size(dir)Receives direction and accordingly increase or decrease font size
my_font_style()Reads the radio button selected value and set the style accordingly.

font option of text widget

The font option of text widget takes three inputs, we will prepare one list and use it to add / update the font option.
font1=['Times',12,'normal'] # default font details 
Font family, size and style


Our Font menu item has one sub-menu menu_sub_family which can be used to select one of the font family. There is a command option to trigger the my_font_family() function with name of the font family passed as parameter. Here more font family can be added by extending the submenu menu_sub_family.
menu_sub_family.add_command(label='Arial Black',command=lambda:my_font_family('Arial Black'))
Inside the function my_font_family() we receive the font family name and update the first element of the font1 ( list ) with this name. After updating, we used config to change the font option of the text widget.
def my_font_family(f_type): # select font family 
    font1[0]=f_type # set the font family 
    t1.config(font=font1) # config the font


We have two commands to in our font menu, both runs the same function my_font_size() with different parameters ( increase or decrease ) to give direction as parameter for changing the font size.
menu_font.add_command(label="Zoom ++",command=lambda:my_font_size('increase')) #
menu_font.add_command(label="Zoom --",command=lambda:my_font_size('decrease'))
Inside the function my_font_size() we receive the direction as per the user click of the menu option. Here font size is 2nd element of the list font1. We are increasing or decreasing based on the parameter ( dir ) value.
def my_font_size(dir): # font size is increased or decreased
        font1[1]=font1[1]+2 # increase font size 
        font1[1]=font1[1]-2 # decrease font size
    t1.config(font=font1)   # configure the font 

def my_font_style()

We will use radio buttons for this in our menu. One common IntVar() ( r1_v )is used for the radio buttons and it holds the value based on the user selection of radio button. For the three options Normal, Bold and Underline the variable r1_v holds the value 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
r1_v = tk.IntVar(my_w) # for radio buttons 
Here user can select one of the three available options and on click of the radio buttons the function my_font_style() is executed. Inside this function we read the value of the variable r1_v and accourdingly the style for the font list is updated. Note that here the 3rd element of the list font1 is the style for the font list.
def my_font_style(): # selection of sub menu for style
    if(r1_v.get()==1): # reading the value of r1_v 
    t1.config(font=font1) # configure the font
You can read more about the menu and its sub-menu here.

Full code is here .
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import BOTH, END, LEFT

my_w = tk.Tk()
my_frame = Frame(my_w, width=600, height=400)
my_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=1)

l1 = tk.Label(my_frame,text='Your text', width=10) #add Label 
l1.pack(fill="both", expand=0,padx=10)

font1=['Times',12,'normal'] # default font details 
t1 = tk.Text(my_frame,height=4,font=font1) #text box
t1.pack(fill="both", expand=1,padx=10,pady=40)
my_str="Welcome to plus2net \n Learn " 
my_str = my_str + " about Tkitner Python baiscs and more..."
t1.insert(tk.END, my_str) # add default string to text widget 

def my_font_family(f_type): # select font family 
    font1[0]=f_type # set the font family 
    t1.config(font=font1) # config the font 
def my_font_size(dir): # font size is increased or decreased
        font1[1]=font1[1]+2 # increase font size 
        font1[1]=font1[1]-2 # decrease font size
    t1.config(font=font1)   # configure the font 
def my_font_style(): # selection of sub menu for style
    if(r1_v.get()==1): # reading the value of r1_v 
    t1.config(font=font1) # configure the font   
r1_v = tk.IntVar(my_w) # for radio buttons 

menubar = tk.Menu(my_w) 
menu_font = tk.Menu(menubar,title='my title' ,
    tearoff=1,fg='red',bg='yellow') # file
menu_file=tk.Menu(menubar,tearoff=0)  # edit menu 
menu_font.add_command(label="Zoom ++",command=lambda:my_font_size('increase')) #
menu_font.add_command(label="Zoom --",command=lambda:my_font_size('decrease')) # 
menu_font.add_cascade(label='Font Family',menu=menu_sub_family ) # add sub
menu_font.add_cascade(label='Font style',menu=menu_sub_style ) # add sub

menu_sub_family.add_command(label='Arial Black',command=lambda:my_font_family('Arial Black'))


menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=menu_file) # Top Line
menubar.add_cascade(label="Font", menu=menu_font) # Top Line

menu_file.add_command(label="New") # Item 1 of file
menu_file.add_command(label="Open..") # Item 2  

menu_file.add_command(label="Exit", command=my_w.quit) # Item 3  

my_w.config(menu=menubar) # adding menu to window
Tkinter Text Python Tkinter Entry How to Validate user entered data
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