Tkinter demo to use countdown timer to check typing speed of user by using threading
Rondom string is generated and presented to the user
User enters the given string in a Text widget.
If the user entered string matches with the given string then a new string is given after removing the old one. User is allowed to enter fresh string.
Before adding data user has to click one Start button. This button will enable the data entry and the entery widget will be disabled once time is over.
One countdown timer will show the remaining time
Total number of chars entered in text widget will be displayed once the time period is over.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import BOTH, END, LEFT
import time
import threading
import random
import string
my_w = tk.Tk()
global Nos
duration=20 # time duration of test in seconds
word_size=4 # size of the random string generated
def my_start(): # start button is clicked
global Nos
l2['text']='' # remove previous data
t1.config(state='normal') # enable to enter text
t1.delete('1.0',END) # remove entered text at starting
for i in range(duration,-1,-1): # change the duration of test
l1['text']=i # showing the time left
time.sleep(1)# one second delay
t1.config(state='disabled') # time over so disable
Nos=0 # Score set to 0 for next test
#random string generator
def id_generator(size=word_size, chars=string.ascii_lowercase):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
global str_ck # to store random string
str_ck=id_generator() # get random string
l1=tk.Label(my_w) # count down timmer,rely=0.1)
l3=tk.Label(my_w,text=str_ck,bg='yellow',font=font1),rely=0.1) # show the random string
# command=lambda:my_start()),rely=0.1) # start button
t1=tk.Text(my_w,state='disabled',height=1,width=20,font=font1),rely=0.3) # User entry box
l2=tk.Label(my_w,text=''),rely=0.5) # displaying score
def check_str(*args):
global Nos
global str_ck
Nos= Nos + word_size
t1.delete('1.0',END) # remove entered text
str_ck=id_generator()# one more randome string
l3['text']=str_ck # show the string
l2['text']="Completed " + str(Nos) + \
" in "+ str(duration) + " seconds"
t1.bind("<KeyRelease>",check_str) # User data entry Event handling
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open