Drawing Analog clock on Tkinter Canvas by showing dial and hour numbers and minute segment markings
distance from center ( x, y) to outer edge of the lines ( each line shows one second or one minute )
fraction of full length ( of r1 ) to get x2 and y2. Higer ratio mean small length of lines. This length is more ( less value of ratio ) for all lines after 5 intervals.
Center coordinates. Here x = fraction of full length ( of r1 ) to get x2 and y2. Higer ratio mean small length of lines. This length is more ( less value of ratio ) for all lines after 5 intervals.
Inner edge coordinates of segment lines.
Outer edge coordinates of segment lines.
Angle in degree. Each segment is 6 degree so to draw the next line the value of in_degree has to be incremented by 6
Inputs to sin() and cos() functions value in radian. Value in degree is converted to radian before using with sin() or cos() functions.
Segments in circle
We have to draw 60 segments within 360 degrees or full circle. Each segment will be drawn after 6 degree of previous segment. Our for loop will start from 0 and will continue till 59. In each step there will be an increment of 6 degree.
for i in range(0,60):
in_degree=in_degree+6 # increment for next segment
Angles in Radians
Before using the angle value as input to sin() or cos() functions we have to convert them to radian.
in_radian = math.radians(in_degree) # converting to radian
Inside our clock we can see that each 5th segment is longer than the other segments. For this we will change the ratio value for each fifth segment.
ratio=0.85 # Long marks ( lines )
t1=x+r2*math.sin(in_radian) # coordinate to add text ( hour numbers )
t2=x-r2*math.cos(in_radian) # coordinate to add text ( hour numbers )
c1.create_text(t1,t2,fill='blue',font="Times 30 bold",text=next(h)) # number added
ratio=0.9 # small marks ( lines )
Adding text for each hours
One iterater objecth is created with all numbers and each iteration one number is collected and displayed. As we are staring from 0 angle so the first element is 12.
We will be adding hour numbers to each 5th segment. This number is displayed at a distance r2 from the center of the clock. Here the style of the text can be changed by using font options.
ratio=0.85 # Long marks ( lines )
t1=x+r2*math.sin(in_radian) # coordinate to add text ( hour numbers )
t2=x-r2*math.cos(in_radian) # coordinate to add text ( hour numbers )
c1.create_text(t1,t2,fill='blue',font="Times 30 bold",text=next(h)) # number added
ratio=0.9 # small marks ( lines )
Full code is here
import math
import tkinter as tk
import time
my_w = tk.Tk()
#my_w.tk.call('tk', 'scaling',200)
width,height=410,410 # set the variables
c_width,c_height=width-5,height-5 # canvas width height
c1 = tk.Canvas(my_w, width=c_width, height=c_height,bg='lightgreen')
dial=c1.create_oval(10, 10, 400, 400,width=10,outline='#FF0000',fill='#FFFFFF')
x,y=205,205 # center
x1,y1,x2,y2=x,y,x,10 # second needle
r1=180 # dial lines for one minute
r2=130 # for hour numbers before the lines
in_degree = 0
for i in range(0,60):
in_radian = math.radians(in_degree) # converting to radian
ratio=0.85 # Long marks ( lines )
t1=x+r2*math.sin(in_radian) # coordinate to add text ( hour numbers )
t2=x-r2*math.cos(in_radian) # coordinate to add text ( hour numbers )
c1.create_text(t1,t2,fill='blue',font="Times 30 bold",text=next(h)) # number added
ratio=0.9 # small marks ( lines )
c1.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,width=1) # draw the line for segment
in_degree=in_degree+6 # increment for next segment