Select CSV file to create DataFrame and finally store data in SQLite database table

Inserting CSV file records to SQLite by using Pandas Dataframe
Use the file browser to connect to any csv ( Comma Separated value ) file on click of a button. Use the read_csv() method to create a Pandas Dataframe by using the selected csv file.

After creation of Dataframe , display the number of rows and columns in the dataframe by using DataFrame attribute shape.

Code Explanation: Breaking the Code into Functional Parts

1. Importing Required Libraries

    import pandas as pd # Import pandas library for data handling
    import tkinter as tk  # Import tkinter for GUI development
    from tkinter import filedialog # For showing file dialog for file selection
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine # For SQLite database connection

SQLAlchemy as Python database connector

  • pandas: Used for creating and manipulating DataFrames.
  • tkinter: Used for creating GUI components like windows, labels, and buttons.
  • filedialog: Provides file selection dialog functionality.
  • sqlalchemy: Provides database connection functionality for storing data in SQLite.

2. Setting Up the SQLite Database Connection

    path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\test.db' # Path to the SQLite database file
    my_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+path) # Create the connection string
    my_conn=my_conn.connect() # Connect to the database

  • The path variable specifies the location of the SQLite database.
  • The create_engine function establishes the database connection.
  • The my_conn.connect() method returns the connection object for executing SQL queries.

3. Creating the Tkinter GUI Window

    my_w = tk.Tk() # Initialize the main window
    my_w.geometry("400x300") # Set the window dimensions
    my_w.title('') # Set the window title
  • Initialize a Tkinter main window using tk.Tk().
  • Set the dimensions of the window using geometry.
  • Set the title of the window with title.

4. Adding GUI Components

    my_font1=('times', 8, 'bold') # Define font for labels

    l1 = tk.Label(my_w, text='Read File & create DataFrame',
              anchor='w', width=50, font=my_font1)  
    l1.grid(row=1, column=1)

    b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Browse File', 
   width=20, command=lambda:upload_file())
    b1.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=5)

    t1=tk.Text(my_w, width=40, height=3)
    t1.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=2)

    l2=tk.Label(my_w, bg='lightgreen')
    l2.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=5)
  • Label: Displays static text in the GUI.
  • Button: Triggers the upload_file function for file browsing.
  • Text: Displays rows and columns information about the CSV file.
  • Label: Displays the path to the SQLite database after uploading data.

5. Defining the File Upload Function

    def upload_file():
    f_types = [('CSV files',),('All',)] # File types for selection
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=f_types) # Open file dialog
    if file: 
        l1.config(text=file) # Display the file path
        df = pd.read_csv(file) # Read the file into a DataFrame
        str1 = 'Rows:' + str(df.shape[0]) + '\nColumns:' + str(df.shape[1])
        t1.insert(tk.END, str1) # Insert information into Text widget
        # Save DataFrame to SQLite
        df.to_sql(con=my_conn, name='student', if_exists='replace', index=False) 
        l2.config(text=path) # Display database path
  • f_types: Defines the file types the user can select.
  • askopenfilename: Opens the file selection dialog box.
  • pd.read_csv: Reads the selected CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame.
  • to_sql: Saves the DataFrame into the SQLite database, replacing the table if it already exists.

6. Running the Main Application Loop

    my_w.mainloop() # Run the Tkinter event loop
  • Keeps the Tkinter window open and responsive to user actions.

import pandas as pd # import pandas library
import tkinter  as tk  # get Tkitner library 
from tkinter import filedialog # To show file dialog for selection

from sqlalchemy import create_engine # for database connection 

path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\test.db' # update the databas path
my_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+path)
my_conn=my_conn.connect() # connection object or string

my_w = tk.Tk() # Main window
my_w.geometry("400x300")  # Size of the window width x height
my_w.title('') # title 

my_font1=('times', 8, 'bold') # higher size font 
l1 = tk.Label(my_w,text='Read File & create DataFrame'
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Browse File', 
   width=20,command = lambda:upload_file())
def upload_file():
    f_types = [('CSV files',"*.csv"),('All',"*.*")] # file type for selection
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=f_types) # show file dialog
    if file : # if the user has not cancelled the file browser 
        l1.config(text=file) # display the path 
        df=pd.read_csv(file) # create DataFrame
        str1="Rows:" + str(df.shape[0])+ "\nColumns:"+str(df.shape[1])
        t1.insert(tk.END, str1) # add to Text widget        
        # Dataframe is added to SQLite database, table name student
        l2.config(text=path) # show the path to SQLite database 
my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Export CSV Data to SQLite table using Tkinter, Pandas #dataExport #csvToSQlite

Displaying SQLite data with error handling

Displaying 5 records after inserting from CSV file
We will display 5 records from the SQLite table after inserting data. We will also include error handling module to display error message.

    from sqlalchemy import text # Import text for query execution
    from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError # For handling database errors
  • text: Used to safely create SQL queries for execution.
  • SQLAlchemyError: Handles exceptions that may occur during database operations.

    q = 'SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 0,5' # Query to fetch 5 rows from the table
        r_set = my_conn.execute(text(q)) 
        for row in r_set: 
        str1 += ' '.join(map(str, row)) + '\n'  
    except SQLAlchemyError as e: 
        error = str(e.__dict__.get('orig', e)) # Extract error message
  • q: SQL query to select the first 5 rows from the "student" table.
  • r_set: Executes the query and retrieves the result set.
  • str1 += ' '.join(map(str, row)) + '\n': Converts each tuple (row) into a string, joins its elements with a space, and appends it to str1.
  • SQLAlchemyError: Catches database-related errors.
  • e.__dict__.get('orig', e): Extracts the original error message for debugging.
import pandas as pd # import pandas library
import tkinter  as tk  # get Tkitner library 
from tkinter import filedialog # To show file dialog for selection

from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text # for database connection 
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError # error handling 
path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\test.db' # update the databas path
my_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+path)
my_conn=my_conn.connect() # connection object or string

my_w = tk.Tk() # Parent Tkinter window 
my_w.geometry("400x300")  # Size of the window width x height
my_w.title('') # title 

my_font1=('times', 8, 'bold') # higher size font 
l1 = tk.Label(my_w,text='Read File & create DataFrame'
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Browse File', 
   width=20,command = lambda:upload_file())
def upload_file():
    f_types = [('CSV files',"*.csv"),('All',"*.*")] # file type for selection
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=f_types) # show file dialog
    if file : # if the user has not cancelled the file browser 
        l1.config(text=file) # display the path 
        df=pd.read_csv(file) # create DataFrame
        str1="Rows:" + str(df.shape[0])+ "\nColumns:"+str(df.shape[1]) +"\n"
        # Dataframe is added to SQLite database, table name student
        l2.config(text=path) # show the path to SQLite database 
        # Select 5 rows to display inside text widget 
        q='SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 0,5'

            for row in r_set:
                 # Converts each element of the tuple to a string and joins with a space
                 str1 += ' '.join(map(str, row)) + '\n'  
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            error = str(e.__dict__.get('orig', e)) # get error message 
        t1.insert(tk.END, str1) # add to Text widget
my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Export SQLite database table data to CSV file by using Dataframe
From large CSV file to SQLite data transfer with Progress bar showing the status
Tkinter Projects Projects Tkinter using Pandas DataFrame

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