After creation of Dataframe , display the number of rows and columns in the dataframe by using DataFrame attribute shape.
Code Explanation: Breaking the Code into Functional Parts
1. Importing Required Libraries
import pandas as pd # Import pandas library for data handlingimport tkinter as tk # Import tkinter for GUI developmentfrom tkinter import filedialog # For showing file dialog for file selectionfrom sqlalchemy import create_engine # For SQLite database connection
pandas: Used for creating and manipulating DataFrames.
tkinter: Used for creating GUI components like windows, labels, and buttons.
sqlalchemy: Provides database connection functionality for storing data in SQLite.
2. Setting Up the SQLite Database Connection
path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\test.db'# Path to the SQLite database filemy_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+path) # Create the connection stringmy_conn=my_conn.connect() # Connect to the database
The path variable specifies the location of the SQLite database.
The create_engine function establishes the database connection.
The my_conn.connect() method returns the connection object for executing SQL queries.
3. Creating the Tkinter GUI Window
my_w = tk.Tk() # Initialize the main windowmy_w.geometry("400x300") # Set the window dimensionsmy_w.title('') # Set the window title
pd.read_csv: Reads the selected CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame.
to_sql: Saves the DataFrame into the SQLite database, replacing the table if it already exists.
6. Running the Main Application Loop
my_w.mainloop() # Run the Tkinter event loop
Keeps the Tkinter window open and responsive to user actions.
import pandas as pd # import pandas library
import tkinter as tk # get Tkitner library
from tkinter import filedialog # To show file dialog for selection
from sqlalchemy import create_engine # for database connection
path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\test.db' # update the databas path
my_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+path)
my_conn=my_conn.connect() # connection object or string
my_w = tk.Tk() # Main window
my_w.geometry("400x300") # Size of the window width x height
my_w.title('') # title
my_font1=('times', 8, 'bold') # higher size font
l1 = tk.Label(my_w,text='Read File & create DataFrame'
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Browse File',
width=20,command = lambda:upload_file())
def upload_file():
f_types = [('CSV files',"*.csv"),('All',"*.*")] # file type for selection
file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=f_types) # show file dialog
if file : # if the user has not cancelled the file browser
l1.config(text=file) # display the path
df=pd.read_csv(file) # create DataFrame
str1="Rows:" + str(df.shape[0])+ "\nColumns:"+str(df.shape[1])
t1.insert(tk.END, str1) # add to Text widget
# Dataframe is added to SQLite database, table name student
l2.config(text=path) # show the path to SQLite database
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open
Export CSV Data to SQLite table using Tkinter, Pandas #dataExport #csvToSQlite
Displaying SQLite data with error handling
We will display 5 records from the SQLite table after inserting data. We will also include error handling module to display error message.
from sqlalchemy import text # Import text for query executionfrom sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError # For handling database errors
text: Used to safely create SQL queries for execution.
SQLAlchemyError: Handles exceptions that may occur during database operations.
q = 'SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 0,5'# Query to fetch 5 rows from the tabletry:
r_set = my_conn.execute(text(q))
str1 += ' '.join(map(str, row)) + '\n'except SQLAlchemyError ase:
error = str(e.__dict__.get('orig', e)) # Extract error messageprint(error)
q: SQL query to select the first 5 rows from the "student" table.
r_set: Executes the query and retrieves the result set.
str1 += ' '.join(map(str, row)) + '\n': Converts each tuple (row) into a string, joins its elements with a space, and appends it to str1.
SQLAlchemyError: Catches database-related errors.
e.__dict__.get('orig', e): Extracts the original error message for debugging.
import pandas as pd # import pandas library
import tkinter as tk # get Tkitner library
from tkinter import filedialog # To show file dialog for selection
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,text # for database connection
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError # error handling
path='F:\\testing\\sqlite\\test.db' # update the databas path
my_conn = create_engine('sqlite:///'+path)
my_conn=my_conn.connect() # connection object or string
my_w = tk.Tk() # Parent Tkinter window
my_w.geometry("400x300") # Size of the window width x height
my_w.title('') # title
my_font1=('times', 8, 'bold') # higher size font
l1 = tk.Label(my_w,text='Read File & create DataFrame'
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='Browse File',
width=20,command = lambda:upload_file())
def upload_file():
f_types = [('CSV files',"*.csv"),('All',"*.*")] # file type for selection
file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=f_types) # show file dialog
if file : # if the user has not cancelled the file browser
l1.config(text=file) # display the path
df=pd.read_csv(file) # create DataFrame
str1="Rows:" + str(df.shape[0])+ "\nColumns:"+str(df.shape[1]) +"\n"
# Dataframe is added to SQLite database, table name student
l2.config(text=path) # show the path to SQLite database
# Select 5 rows to display inside text widget
q='SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 0,5'
for row in r_set:
# Converts each element of the tuple to a string and joins with a space
str1 += ' '.join(map(str, row)) + '\n'
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
error = str(e.__dict__.get('orig', e)) # get error message
t1.insert(tk.END, str1) # add to Text widget
my_w.mainloop() # Keep the window open