Tkinter child window using Toplevel to execute user entered SQL query on SQLite and display result
Opening Query window
We will use the Query button to execute the function my_child() to open the child window. Inside this function we will display the Text to collect the user entered SQL.
def my_child():
t1_child=tk.Text(my_w_child, bg='yellow',height=5,width=45)
t1_child.insert(tk.END, sql_str.get()) # to retain the query while opening
b3=tk.Button(my_w_child,text='Submit', command=lambda:child_close())
def child_close():
sql_str.set(t1_child.get("1.0",'end-1c')) # collect the query
my_data(t1_child.get("1.0",'end-1c')) # pass the query
my_w_child.destroy() # close the child window
On click of submit button on child window, we will execute another function child_close() to close the child window and pass the user entered query to another function my_data(). After sending the data we will close the child window.
Executing the query : my_data()
Our function my_data() will receive the query and first it will delete the previous data if any in our main display Text area . Then set the background to white by using config()
We will find out the type of query user has entered, if SELECT word is present then show all the records.