Treeview is a powerful widget in Tkinter for displaying hierarchical or tabular data. In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to:
Below, we break the code into logical sections to explain each functionality step-by-step:
# Importing required libraries
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text # Database connection
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
# Establishing a connection to the SQLite database
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///E:\\testing\\sqlite\\my_db.db', echo=True)
my_conn = engine.connect()
# Creating the main Tkinter window
my_w = tk.Tk()
# Setting dimensions of the window
# Setting the title of the window
# Font style for the Text entry box
font1 = ['Times', 14, 'normal']
# Creating a multi-line Text input box
t1 = tk.Text(my_w, height=5, width=70, bg='yellow', font=font1)
t1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=10)
# Creating a Button to execute the query
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='GO', font=18,
command=lambda: my_query(t1.get("1.0", 'end')))
b1.grid(row=0, column=1)
# Font style for Treeview widget
font2 = ['Times', 14, 'normal']
# Adding style to the Treeview widget
style = ttk.Style(my_w)
style.theme_use("clam") # Setting the theme to clam
# Customizing the Treeview header style
style.configure('Treeview.Heading', background="PowderBlue")
This section defines the main components of the Tkinter window.
: Initializes the main application window.my_w.geometry()
: Sets the dimensions of the window to 720x600 pixels.my_w.title()
: Sets the title of the
: Creates a multi-line text box for user input.grid()
: Positions the text box in the first row and column of the
: Creates a button labeled "GO" to execute SQL queries.command
: Calls the function my_query()
with the input from the text box when the button is clicked.ttk.Style()
: Customizes the appearance of the Treeview
: Sets the background, foreground, and font for the Treeview and its header.
# Function to copy selected rows from Treeview to clipboard
def copy_selected_rows(trv):
# Get selected rows in the Treeview
selected_items = trv.selection()
if selected_items:
# Create an empty list to store copied rows
copied_data = []
# Loop through selected items
for item in selected_items:
row = trv.item(item, "values")
copied_data.append("\t".join(row)) # Join values with tabs
# Copy the rows to the clipboard
my_w.clipboard_clear() # Clear the clipboard
my_w.clipboard_append("\n".join(copied_data)) # Add rows to clipboard
my_w.update() # Update clipboard content
# Print copied data for debugging
print("Copied selected rows:", copied_data)
# If no rows are selected, print a message
print("No rows selected!")
This function allows users to copy selected rows from a Treeview to the clipboard. It provides flexibility in handling multiple row selections and ensures the data is formatted for easy pasting into other applications.
: Retrieves the IDs of all selected rows in the, "values")
: Fetches the data of each selected row as a tuple."\t".join(row)
: Converts the tuple into a tab-separated string, ideal for pasting into Excel or similar tools.my_w.clipboard_clear()
: Clears any existing content in the clipboard.my_w.clipboard_append()
: Adds the formatted rows to the clipboard.my_w.update()
: Updates the clipboard content to make it available for pasting.This function can be linked to a button in the Tkinter GUI to enable users to copy selected rows. Here’s how you can use it:
# Example of button binding
copy_button = tk.Button(my_w, text='Copy Selected Rows',
command=lambda: copy_selected_rows(treeview_widget))
# Function to select all rows in the Treeview and copy them to the clipboard
def select_all_and_copy(trv):
# Iterate through all rows in the Treeview
for item in trv.get_children():
trv.selection_add(item) # Programmatically select each row
# Copy the selected rows to the clipboard
This function allows users to select all rows in the Treeview widget and copy their data to the clipboard in one click. It automates the selection process, ensuring all rows are included without manual effort.
: Retrieves all row IDs from the
: Adds each row ID to the selection.copy_selected_rows(trv)
: Calls the existing copy_selected_rows
function to copy the selected rows to the clipboard.You can bind this function to a "Select All and Copy" button in the Tkinter GUI:
# Example of button binding
select_all_button = tk.Button(my_w,
text='Select All and Copy',
command=lambda: select_all_and_copy(treeview_widget))
def my_query(query):
# Logic for executing SQL queries and displaying results
r_set = my_conn.execute(text(query))
l1 = [r for r in r_set.keys()]
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
# Handle SQL errors
# Run the Tkinter event loop
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text # connection to database
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
# Database connection
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///E:\\testing\\sqlite\\my_db.db', echo=True)
my_conn = engine.connect()
# Creating tkinter window
my_w = tk.Tk()
my_w.geometry("720x600") # width and height of the window
font1 = ['Times', 14, 'normal'] # font style for Text entry box
# Text input box
t1 = tk.Text(my_w, height=3, width=70, bg='bisque1', font=font1)
t1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=10)
# Button to execute query
b1 = tk.Button(my_w, text='GO', font=18, command=lambda: my_query(t1.get("1.0", 'end')))
b1.grid(row=0, column=1)
# Adding style to Treeview
font2 = ['Times', 14, 'normal']
style = ttk.Style(my_w)
style.theme_use("clam") # set theme to clam
style.configure("Treeview", background="black", fieldbackground="black", foreground="white", font=font2)
style.configure('Treeview.Heading', background="PowderBlue") # Header style
# Copy selected rows
def copy_selected_rows(trv):
selected_items = trv.selection() # Get selected rows
if selected_items:
copied_data = []
for item in selected_items:
row = trv.item(item, "values")
copied_data.append("\t".join(row)) # Tab-separated row
# Copy to clipboard
my_w.update() # Update clipboard
print("Copied selected rows:", copied_data)
print("No rows selected!")
# Select all rows and copy
def select_all_and_copy(trv):
for item in trv.get_children():
trv.selection_add(item) # Select all rows
copy_selected_rows(trv) # Copy selected rows
# Function to execute the query and display results
def my_query(query):
# Clear any widgets in row 1 and row 2
for w in my_w.grid_slaves():
if int(w.grid_info()["row"]) > 0:
# Execute the query
r_set = my_conn.execute(text(query)) # Execute query and get record set
l1 = [r for r in r_set.keys()] # List of columns from database table
r_set = list(r_set) # List of rows of records
except SQLAlchemyError as e: # Database error handling
# Extract error message
if 'orig' in e.__dict__:
error_message = str(e.__dict__['orig'])
error_message = str(e)
# Display error message in red
error_label = tk.Label(my_w, text=f"Error: {error_message}", fg='red', font=('Arial', 14))
error_label.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=20, pady=20)
print("Database error:", error_message) # Log error to the console
else: # If no error, display the Treeview
# Create Treeview widget
trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode='extended', columns=l1, show='headings', height=15)
trv.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=20, pady=20)
# Define Treeview columns
for i in l1:
trv.column(i, anchor='w', width=100)
trv.heading(i, text=i)
# Insert rows into Treeview
for row in r_set:
trv.insert('', 'end', iid=row[0], text=row[0], values=list(row))
# Add vertical scrollbar to the Treeview
vs = ttk.Scrollbar(my_w, orient="vertical", command=trv.yview)
vs.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ns') # Place scrollbar to the right of Treeview
# Buttons for copying rows
button_frame = tk.Frame(my_w) # Frame for buttons below Treeview
button_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w', padx=20, pady=10)
copy_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="Copy Selected Rows", font=14, bg='yellow',command=lambda: copy_selected_rows(trv))
copy_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
copy_all_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="Select All and Copy", font=14, bg='lightgreen',command=lambda: select_all_and_copy(trv))
copy_all_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Run the Tkinter event loop
This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate Treeview with SQLite, adding functionality to copy rows to the clipboard. It provides a user-friendly way to manage and interact with database data. Try implementing it and explore its customization options for your projects!