Treeview using data from Excel

Reading Excel file and displaying data in Tkinter Treeview by using Python Openpyxl library

Download sample ( Excel file ) student.xlsx Reading from Excel using openpyxl

Reading excel file and getting data ( rows )

Read the student.xlsx page and create two lists. One list ( l1 here ) for the column headers and other list r_set is for the list of data.

Opened the workbook ( wb ) based on the path of the student.xlsx file. This workbook has one worksheet student. Inside the worksheet we will get rows of data by using iter_rows().

Here we can manage the number of rows and columns required by using the parameters min_row, min_column, max_row,max_column.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook(filename='D:\student.xlsx', read_only=False)
ws = wb['student'] # connecting to work sheet


l1=[r for r in l1] # Prepare list for column headers 
r_set=[r for r in r_set] # Prepare list with data 
wb.close()# Close the workbook after reading
#print(l1) # to check the headers 

Tkinter Treeview

We are adding one Treeview to the Tkinter window.
from tkinter import ttk # for treeview 
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk() # Main window 
my_w.geometry("560x280") # width and hight of window 
# Using treeview widget
trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse')

Adding dynamically the headers and data by using the header list ( l1 ) and data list ( r_set ) from above.
trv['height']=5 # Number of rows to display, default is 10
trv['show'] = 'headings' 
# column identifiers 
trv["columns"] = l1[0]
# Defining headings, other option in tree
# width of columns and alignment 
for i in l1[0]:
    trv.column(i, width = 100, anchor ='c')
# Headings of respective columns
for i in l1[0]:
    trv.heading(i, text =i)

## Adding data to treeview 
for dt in r_set:  
    trv.insert("",'end',iid=dt[0],values=dt) # adding row

Full code is here
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook(filename='D:\student.xlsx', read_only=False)
ws = wb['student'] # connecting to work sheet
l1=[r for r in l1] # Prepare list for column headers 
r_set=[r for r in r_set] # Prepare list with data 
wb.close()# Close the workbook after reading
#print(l1) # to check the headers 

from tkinter import ttk # for treeview 
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk() # Main window 
my_w.geometry("560x280") # width and hight of window 
# Using treeview widget
trv = ttk.Treeview(my_w, selectmode ='browse')

trv['height']=5 # Number of rows to display, default is 10
trv['show'] = 'headings' 
# column identifiers 
trv["columns"] = l1[0]
# Defining headings, other option in tree
# width of columns and alignment 
for i in l1[0]:
    trv.column(i, width = 100, anchor ='c')
# Headings of respective columns
for i in l1[0]:
    trv.heading(i, text =i)

## Adding data to treeview 
for dt in r_set:  
    trv.insert("",'end',iid=dt[0],values=dt) # adding row
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