Geometry of Tkinter window

Tkinter window geometry to manage height width and zoom out using state and resizable() option

Our parent window is referred as my_w in all our examples below.
my_w = tk.Tk()

Resize the window

resizable window with disabled values There is a button at the top bar for the user to resize the parent window. By holding and dragging the edges we can resize the window.

We can prevent this by using resizable() option. By default width and height values are 1 ( True ).

my_w.resizable(width=0,height=0) # size change Not allowed 
We can only allow horizontally resizing the window.


By managing the state method we can maximize the window to full screen. Values for this option are normal ( default value ) , iconic, withdrawn, or zoomed

Zooming the parent window

We can increase or decrease the width , height from inside the window by managing the geometry() option. We can place buttons in our window to zoom in or zoom out the parent window.
We used the click event of button to call a function my_resize() and inside it change the width and height of parent window.

minsize() and maxsize()

We can restrict the height and width of the window by using minsize() and maxsize(). These are the end limits for our height width for expansion and contraction of the window.
my_w.minsize(280, 180) # (minimum ) Width  , ( minimum ) height
my_w.maxsize(320,220)  # (maximum ) width , ( maximum) height
We have to update the data to integer by using int() while using any other type of variable.
my_w.minsize(int(width/3), height)
In the script below some lines are commented to remove the restrictions. You can include them.

Here is the full code.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk() # parent window 
my_w.geometry(v_dim)  # Size of the window 
#my_w.minsize(280, 180) # (minimum ) Width  , ( minimum ) height
#my_w.maxsize(320,220)  # (maximum ) width , ( maximum) height
my_w.title("")  # Adding a title

def my_resize(condition):
    global width , height 
    my_w.geometry(d) # update the new width and height
b1=tk.Button(my_w,text='zoom ++ ',command=lambda:my_resize('increase'))
b2=tk.Button(my_w,text='zoom -- ',command=lambda:my_resize('decrease'))
b3=tk.Button(my_w,text='Full Screen',command=lambda:my_w.state('zoomed'))

my_w.mainloop()  # Keep the window open

Dynamic window layout

By using multiple dynamic widgets we can manage the width and height of the window.

Tkinter managing window geometry by width and height for dynamic creation of Buttons

my_w.winfo_geometry(): The string showing size and on-screen location.
my_w.winfo_height(): The current height of the window.( May not be updated)
my_w.winfo_width(): The current width of the window.( May not be updated)
my_w.winfo_reqheight(): The requested minimum height required. May change after geometry manager
my_w.winfo_reqwidth(): The requested minimum width required. May change after geometry manager
my_w.winfo_screenheight(): Screen height in pixel
my_w.winfo_screenwidth(): Screen width in pixel
my_w.winfo_idletasks(): to force the display to be updated before the application next idles

The geometry is not accurate until the application has updated its idle tasks. In particular, all geometries are initially '1x1+0+0' until the widgets and geometry manager have negotiated their sizes and positions.
To get the correct dimensions we have to use any event and then take the fresh data. We can also force updation by using winfo_idletasks().
Here is one example where number of buttons are not fixed, so different width requirment may come up based on the number of languages are there in the list.
Check how the outputs changes ( showing width and height ) at different stages of the program.
import tkinter as tk
my_w = tk.Tk()
#my_w.maxsize(300,220)  # (maximum ) width , ( maximum) height
#my_w.minsize(250,220)  # (minimum ) width , ( minimum) height
my_w.resizable(True, True)
my_w.title("")  # Adding a title

languages = ("PHP",'Python','Perl','JQuery','Java','MySQL','CSS','Oracle')
var = 0
def my_upd():
    print('screenwidth',str(my_w.winfo_screenwidth())) # Width of the screen
    print('reqwidth',str(my_w.winfo_reqwidth())) # Requested width of the window 
    print('width',str(my_w.winfo_width())) # width of the window 
    print('screenheight',str(my_w.winfo_screenheight())) # Screen height 
    print('reqheight:',str(my_w.winfo_reqheight())) # rquested width of the window 
    print('height:',str(my_w.winfo_height())) # width of the window
for language in languages:
    btn = tk.Button(my_w, text=language,command=lambda:my_upd())
    var += 1

width=50*len(languages) # set width based on number of buttons

print('screenwidth',str(my_w.winfo_screenwidth())) # Width of the screen
print('reqwidth',str(my_w.winfo_reqwidth())) # Requested width of the window 
print('width',str(my_w.winfo_width())) # width of the window 
print('screenheight',str(my_w.winfo_screenheight())) # Screen height 
print('reqheight:',str(my_w.winfo_reqheight())) # rquested width of the window 
print('height:',str(my_w.winfo_height())) # width of the window 
my_w.update_idletasks() # Update the idle to update display 
print('screenwidth',str(my_w.winfo_screenwidth())) # Width of the screen
print('reqwidth',str(my_w.winfo_reqwidth())) # Requested width of the window 
print('width',str(my_w.winfo_width())) # width of the window 
print('screenheight',str(my_w.winfo_screenheight())) # Screen height 
print('reqheight:',str(my_w.winfo_reqheight())) # rquested width of the window 
print('height:',str(my_w.winfo_height())) # width of the window 

Zoom in & out Text Sizegrip to reisize window

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