Pagination of records from MySQL table

Basics of Python Tkinter

Connect to MySQL database display rows from MySQL.
First page of paging records in Tkinter window
The only changes here is the connection string with login details. This part is highlighted.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
my_conn = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://userid:password@localhost/db_name")
###### end of connection ####
r_set=my_conn.execute("SELECT count(*) as no from STUDENT")
no_rec=data_row[0] # Total number of rows in table
limit = 8; # No of records to be shown per page.
##### tkinter window ######
import tkinter  as tk 
from tkinter import * 
my_w = tk.Tk()
def my_display(offset):    

    q="SELECT * from student LIMIT "+ str(offset) +","+str(limit)
    i=0 # row value inside the loop 
    for student in r_set: 
        for j in range(len(student)):
            e = Entry(my_w, width=10, fg='blue') 
            e.grid(row=i, column=j) 
            e.insert(END, student[j])
    while (i= 0):
        b2["state"]="active"  # enable Prev button
        b2["state"]="disabled"# disable Prev button      
View and Download tkinter-mysql-paging ipynb file ( .html format )

Pagination using Treeview Tutorial on Paging script

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